This is a cleverhans based research project by zzhu and nlyu.
Basically we transfrom normal pictures to malicious pictures.
For example, in MNIST dataset a normal zero becomes a zero that cannot be regonized by the previous ML model under fgsm attack:
- 28 * 28 single channel grey image (format: numpyarray shape of [number of image * 28 * 28 * 1] float32)
- 32 * 32 three channel rgb image (format: numpyarray shape of [number of image * 32 * 32 * 3] float32)
- Notice: All image are matplotlib format, rgb value 0 ~ 1, not 0 ~ 255
German Traffic Sign Dataset:
Dataset for 32 * 32 formated traffic sign dataset:
Label leadking effect, why do we need untarget data explained:
The basic knowledge and intuition for fgsm and math behinded:
Another usedful repo for producing adv image: