Go Fish is a content management system for beginning, intermediate, or avid fishing enthusiasts. The homepage displays a newsfeed where users are able to post their latest thoughts across a wide range of topics, from hot fishing holes, to gear reviews, and even recipes for their favorite catches. Posts will include the number of likes and comments below the main content.
No installation required! Visit us here to get started. Happy angling!!!
A visitor to the page can choose View Comments to expand the contents of that post's comments or View Post to show a single-post page with the comments expanded. A search bar at the top right will return posts containing the a search term. Returning users can login to unlock the new post, new comment, and like features. If it's a visitors first time to the site, they will have to choose Sign Up to create a username, provide an email, and create a password.
This project is covered by the MIT License
The following image shows the homepage:
Contributors to this project were Nick, Matt, and Trey and Ken.
Technologies used included Node.js, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, Handlebars, JavaScript, Canva, Passport and Heroku.