Build status: 
In order to build this application you need:
- Java 8
- Maven 3.1.1. If you don't know maven, we highly recomand reading Maven in 5 minutes
- PosgreSQL 9.2. If you're on a mac we recommend
- Solr 4.6.1
Once all installed, create a database.
Set the environment variable DATABASE_URL
with the URL to connect to the database,
import the dump you can find in src/test/resources/dump
in the database
Latest dump is: noselus.20130111.backup
Then clone the repository:
git clone
You can launch the server with
mvn package exec:java
To build the application:
mvn clean install
If you want to install the application to another computer you need to go to the target directory and copy the be.noselus-{VERSION}.jar
as well as the lib
directory and all it's content
to the target location.
You can then run the application with java -jar be.noselus-{VERSION}.jar
The application will then be accessible at http://localhost:4567/
for example, the list of most recent questions is accessible at http://localhost:4567/questions
The documentation of the api will come soon.
You must also run an instance of SOLR, used for indexing and search.
More information is available in src/main/solr/
The build will create a
file, unzip it somewhere and use it as solr home directory
Configure the variable SOLR_URL (for instance: http://localhost:8983/solr/noselusbe
) into environment.
We are using a library to resize the images, in order for it to do its job, you must have an X server running. Installing Xvfb and making sure that iti is started is enough. This can help
You also should run the program headless by adding the following option -Djava.awt.headless=true