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Docker development setup

We recommend committing .env to your repo with good defaults. .env.development, .env.production etc can be used for local overrides and should not be in the repo.

  1. Make sure is installed and running

  2. If you don't already have it, install stack car

    gem install stack_car
  3. If you don't already have it, install and enable dory

    gem install dory
  4. After cloning the repo and cding into its directory, install dependencies

    sc build
  5. Start dory

    dory up
  6. Start the server

    sc up
  7. Load the database

    sc be rake db:migrate
  8. Import data into the database. The [100] limits the number of records to 100. If you want to load more items, increase the number. If you wish to load all items, remove the brackets entirely. If you want to import a specific set, you can pass the set in as the second argument. The default set is 'arce_1', which imports all of the collections.

    sc exec bash # to enter bash
    rake import[100]
    exit # to exit bash

    To import 100 of the Tomb of Menna collection:

    sc exec bash # to enter bash
    rake import[100,'tom_1']
    exit # to exit bash
  9. Then visit http://arce.docker in your browser

  10. If you need a user or need to be an admin, load the seed data

    sc be rake db:seed
  11. When done, stop the app and services:

    1. Press ctrl + c in the window where sc up is running
    2. When that's done, sc stop shuts down the running containers
    3. dory down stops Dory

Troubleshooting Docker Development Setup

Confirm or configure settings. Sub your information for the examples.

git config --global example
git config --global
docker login

Troubleshooting Universal Viewer (UV) not Working

If the app is properly installed and you imported works from step 8, you should be able to view a work's UV at its show page. If the work show page loads all of the work's metadata but does not show the UV, you may have to do the following:

  1. Stop the app and services
  2. Run yarn install. This is supposed to run during sc build, but it may not have properly installed the UV
  3. If you get ...node_modules/node-sass: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node scripts/build.js , proceed to the next step
  4. Delete your project's node_module folder and yarn.lock file
  5. Re-run yarn install. This will automatically create a new node_module folder and yarn.lock file
  6. Restart your app and attempt to view a work's show page. The UV should now work

Bash into the container

sc exec bash

While in the container you can do the following

  • Run rspec
    bundle exec rspec
  • Access the rails console
    bundle exec rails c

To exit bash


Deploy a new release

sc release {staging | production} # creates and pushes the correct tags
sc deploy {staging | production} # deploys those tags to the server

Release and Deployment are handled by the gitlab ci by default. See ops/deploy-app to deploy from locally, but note all Rancher install pull the currently tagged registry image

Clear data records

sc be rake clear

Run import from admin page

Login to admin page using seed user info Press the import records button

Release and Deployment are handled by the gitlab ci by default. See ops/deploy-app to deploy from locally, but note all Rancher install pull the currently tagged registry image


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