- JAVA 8
- Maven
- My Sql Server Service should be up and running
- Postman {Any Tool will work for rest api testing}
- Git
- url: https://github.com/novice-manu/com-labregister-inventory.git
- In Local Instance of MySQL create a schema name “labregister_local” and set it as default schema.
- Open MySQL Workbench->Server->Data Import.
- Go into dumps folder in the project cloned above to get the dump files to setup the database schema and populate default data. Hint: \com-labregister-inventory\src\main\resources\db-scripts\dumps
- Verification: in left panel should be able to see 2 tables under labregister_local schema. The Database setup is done.
- Open your favorite Terminal and run below commands. go to root directory of the project which is cloned from the git
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
- Got to Postman >> Import >> Upload Files >> browse api-test folder of the project and import the .json file. Hint: D:\labforward-assignment\com-labregister-inventory\src\main\resources\api-test. Sample Request for 4 endpoints will be imported. To check the end-to-end connectivity from postman>>app>>database try hitting the Get Items by Category API. If you get the below response, then the app is configured successfully.
- Swagger implementation , Strategy of implementing the application could have been designing the swagger >> generate java code for endpoint their request/response body along with the validation .
- Database password can be stored in key vault.
- Create separate Request/Response bodies for endpoint practice of reusing of request/response body can be avoid
- Custom Exception Handling code can be written in more structured manner and multiple errors can clubed to form single list of errors.
- Include more test scenarios including the exception handling clauses.
- Running sonar on the code and fix Blocker/Critical/Major Bugs.