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Run the following to get the server running

npm install 
npm start

This will automatically create a DB locally. Apollo Playground will also be running; you can interact with it at http://localhost:4000/


I've provided a suite of jest tests

npm test

These are also integrated into Github Actions




A user represents an individual in the system.

Field Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier
name String! Name of the user
company String Company the user belongs to (optional)
email String! Email address of the user
phone String! Phone number of the user
skills [Skill!]! List of skills possessed by the user
events [Event!]! List of events associated with the user
owned_hardware [HardwareOwners!]! List of hardware owned by the user


Represents the ownership relationship between users and hardware.

Field Type Description
user_id ID! ID of the user who owns the hardware
owned_quantity Int! Quantity of hardware owned by the user


Represents hardware available in the system.

Field Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier
name String! Name of the hardware
total_quantity Int! Total quantity of the hardware
available_quantity Int! Available quantity of the hardware
owners [HardwareOwners!]! List of users who own this hardware


Represents an event associated with a user.

Field Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier
event String! Description of the event
scanned_at String! Timestamp when the event was scanned


Represents a skill possessed by a user.

Field Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier
skill String! Name of the skill
rating Int! Rating of the skill (e.g., proficiency level)


Represents the frequency of a skill across users.

Field Type Description
skill String! Name of the skill
frequency Int! Frequency of the skill across users


  • users: Retrieve a list of all users.
  • user(userId: ID!): Retrieve a user by their ID.
  • skills(min_frequency: Int, max_frequency: Int): Retrieve skills within a frequency range.
  • hardware: Retrieve a list of all hardware.
  • hardwareById(hardwareId: ID!): Retrieve hardware by its ID.


  • updateUser(userId: ID!, data: UpdateUserInput!): Update user information.
  • scanUser(userId: ID!, event: String!): Record an event for a user.
  • checkOutHardware(hardwareId: ID!, userId: ID!, quantity: Int!): Check out hardware to a user.
  • checkInHardware(hardwareId: ID!, userId: ID!, quantity: Int!): Check in hardware from a user.

Example Requests

Retrieve all users

query {
  users {

Retrieve a user by ID

query {
  user(userId: "userId") {
    skills {

Update user information

mutation {
  updateUser(userId: "userId", data: { name: "New Name", company: "New Company" }) {

Record an event for a user

mutation {
  scanUser(userId: "userId", event: "Scanned at Entrance") 

Check out hardware to a user

mutation {
  checkOutHardware(hardwareId: "exampleHardwareId", userId: "exampleUserId", quantity: 1)

Retrieve skills within a frequency range

query {
  skills(min_frequency: 2, max_frequency: 5) {

Tech Stack

  • TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It's used for writing the server-side code.
  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It's used for running the server-side code.
  • Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
  • Apollo Server: A community-driven, open-source GraphQL server that works with any GraphQL schema. It's used for creating GraphQL server.
  • GraphQL: A query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data.
  • SQLite3: A C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database. It allows accessing the database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language.
  • npm: A package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It's used for managing project dependencies.
  • ts-node: A TypeScript execution and REPL for Node.js, with source map support. It's used for running TypeScript code directly, without compiling it first.
  • Jest JavaScript Testing Framework
  • Babel JavaScript compiler that lets us run Jest with TypeScript
  • Github Actions Useful for CI/CD to make sure production branches have valid builds

Future Features

  • Find a way to inherit types in the schema to reduce redundancy
  • Organize DB such that we have a log of hardware transactions for better monitoring
  • Find a way to export types from schema to resolver code for better consistency across codebase
  • Have the DB hosted on a server
  • The code in resolver.ts does not scale well imo if we were to add more features — it would be best to have each resolver have its functionality split across modules, and to have some common functions all these modules could interact with — for a small project like this I decided to just dump all the logic in one file
  • Make the tests db separate from the server DB
  • More robust test suite

Hopefully, this is sufficient though! I enjoyed working on this and hopefully, I can keep doing this work with Hack the North!


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