Bukkit plugin intended to allow unparalleled management of entity related aspects of minecraft
- Simple multiworld support - Config per world, no global settings like worldguard which complicate things
- High performance - Always making optimizations to make things as lightweight as possible
- Powerful - Almost every thing relating to entities can be controlled in some way, we are limited to how Bukkit progresses however, waiting on the Horse API to be added to introduce some new features.
- Time control - Keep your world's time set the same, with extreme ease
- Pull requests welcome, issues can be made here on github or on the bukkitdev page
- My email is nsporillo@gmail.com
- BukkitDev page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/entitymanager/
- Permissions: https://github.com/nsporillo/entitymanager/wiki/Permissions
Thanks for checking this project out!