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nst committed Sep 25, 2016
1 parent cc2e15d commit f7f2c13
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Showing 10,603 changed files with 69,171 additions and 69,171 deletions.
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- (id)audioOptions;
- (BOOL)canFullySpecifyOutputFormatReturningReason:(id*)arg1;
- (struct AudioChannelLayout { unsigned int x1; unsigned long x2; unsigned int x3; struct AudioChannelDescription { unsigned int x_4_1_1; unsigned long x_4_1_2; double x_4_1_3[3]; } x4[1]; }*)copyAudioChannelLayoutForSourceFormatDescription:(struct opaqueCMFormatDescription { }*)arg1 audioChannelLayoutSize:(unsigned int*)arg2;
- (struct AudioChannelLayout { unsigned int x1; unsigned long x2; unsigned int x3; struct AudioChannelDescription { unsigned int x_4_1_1; unsigned long x_4_1_2; float x_4_1_3[3]; } x4[1]; }*)copyAudioChannelLayoutForSourceFormatDescription:(struct opaqueCMFormatDescription { }*)arg1 audioChannelLayoutSize:(unsigned int*)arg2;
- (BOOL)encoderIsAvailableOnCurrentSystemReturningError:(id*)arg1;
- (void)getAudioStreamBasicDescription:(struct AudioStreamBasicDescription { double x1; unsigned int x2; unsigned int x3; unsigned int x4; unsigned int x5; unsigned int x6; unsigned int x7; unsigned int x8; unsigned int x9; }*)arg1 forAudioFileTypeID:(unsigned long)arg2 sourceFormatDescription:(struct opaqueCMFormatDescription { }*)arg3;
- (id)initWithAVAudioSettingsDictionary:(id)arg1 exceptionReason:(id*)arg2;
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAsset.h
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@property (getter=MP_canAffectNetworkPlayability, setter=MP_setCanAffectNetworkPlayability:, nonatomic) BOOL MP_canAffectNetworkPlayability;
@property (readonly) NSArray *availableChapterLocales;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; } duration;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; } duration;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isProxy;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; } naturalSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; } naturalSizeWithPreferredTransforms;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double preferredRate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGAffineTransform { double x1; double x2; double x3; double x4; double x5; double x6; } preferredTransform;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double preferredVolume;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; } naturalSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; } naturalSizeWithPreferredTransforms;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float preferredRate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) struct CGAffineTransform { float x1; float x2; float x3; float x4; float x5; float x6; } preferredTransform;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float preferredVolume;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) id propertyListForProxy;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSValue *pu_cachedDuration;
@property (setter=rc_setComposedAVURL:, nonatomic, retain) NSURL *rc_composedAVURL;
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- (id)_URLSessionDataDelegate;
- (id)_URLSessionOperationQueue;
- (id)_absoluteURL;
- (unsigned int)_addChapterMetadataItem:(id)arg1 timeRange:(struct { struct { int x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; int x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { int x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; int x_2_1_4; } x2; })arg2 toChapters:(id)arg3 fromIndex:(unsigned int)arg4;
- (unsigned int)_addChapterMetadataItem:(id)arg1 timeRange:(struct { struct { long long x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; long long x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { long long x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; long long x_2_1_4; } x2; })arg2 toChapters:(id)arg3 fromIndex:(unsigned int)arg4;
- (id)_assetInspector;
- (id)_assetInspectorLoader;
- (id)_availableCanonicalizedChapterLanguages;
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- (id)copyWithZone:(struct _NSZone { }*)arg1;
- (id)creationDate;
- (void)dealloc;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })duration;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })duration;
- (BOOL)hasProtectedContent;
- (unsigned int)hash;
- (id)init;
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- (id)mediaSelectionGroupForPropertyList:(id)arg1 mediaSelectionOption:(id*)arg2;
- (id)metadata;
- (id)metadataForFormat:(id)arg1;
- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })naturalSize;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })naturalSize;
- (int)naturalTimeScale;
- (id)preferredMediaSelection;
- (float)preferredRate;
- (float)preferredSoundCheckVolumeNormalization;
- (struct CGAffineTransform { double x1; double x2; double x3; double x4; double x5; double x6; })preferredTransform;
- (struct CGAffineTransform { float x1; float x2; float x3; float x4; float x5; float x6; })preferredTransform;
- (float)preferredVolume;
- (id)propertyListForProxy;
- (BOOL)providesPreciseDurationAndTiming;
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- (void)_pu_setCachedDuration:(id)arg1;
- (id)pu_cachedDuration;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })pu_duration;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })pu_duration;
- (void)pu_loadDurationWithCompletionHandler:(id /* block */)arg1;

// Image: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NotesShared.framework/NotesShared
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- (float)is_cropFactor;
- (id)is_valueForMetadataIdentifier:(id)arg1;
- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })is_videoSize;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })is_videoSize;

// Image: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VideoProcessing.framework/VideoProcessing

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+ (id)keyPathsForValuesAffectingNaturalSizeWithPreferredTransforms;

- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })naturalSizeWithPreferredTransforms;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })naturalSizeWithPreferredTransforms;

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAssetCache.h
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- (id)URL;
- (id)_init;
- (id)allKeys;
- (int)currentSize;
- (long long)currentSize;
- (id)initWithURL:(id)arg1;
- (BOOL)isPlayableOffline;
- (id)lastModifiedDateOfEntryForKey:(id)arg1;
- (int)maxEntrySize;
- (int)maxSize;
- (long long)maxEntrySize;
- (long long)maxSize;
- (id)mediaSelectionOptionsInMediaSelectionGroup:(id)arg1;
- (void)removeEntryForKey:(id)arg1;
- (int)sizeOfEntryForKey:(id)arg1;
- (long long)sizeOfEntryForKey:(id)arg1;

16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAssetDownloadSession.h
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@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *URL;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned int availableFileSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned long long availableFileSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *destinationURL;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned int downloadToken;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned long long downloadToken;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSError *error;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned int fileSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) unsigned long long fileSize;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *loadedTimeRanges;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int priority;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVMediaSelection *resolvedMediaSelection;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int status;

+ (id)assetDownloadSessionWithAsset:(id)arg1 destinationURL:(id)arg2 options:(id)arg3;
+ (id)assetDownloadSessionWithDownloadToken:(unsigned int)arg1;
+ (id)assetDownloadSessionWithDownloadToken:(unsigned long long)arg1;
+ (id)assetDownloadSessionWithURL:(id)arg1 destinationURL:(id)arg2 options:(id)arg3;

- (id)URL;
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- (void)_transitionToTerminalStatus:(int)arg1 error:(id)arg2;
- (id)_verifyDownloadConfigurationForAssetType;
- (id)_weakReference;
- (unsigned int)availableFileSize;
- (unsigned long long)availableFileSize;
- (void)dealloc;
- (id)destinationURL;
- (unsigned int)downloadToken;
- (unsigned long long)downloadToken;
- (id)error;
- (unsigned int)fileSize;
- (unsigned long long)fileSize;
- (void)finalize;
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithAsset:(id)arg1 destinationURL:(id)arg2 options:(id)arg3;
- (id)initWithDownloadToken:(unsigned int)arg1;
- (id)initWithDownloadToken:(unsigned long long)arg1;
- (id)initWithURL:(id)arg1 destinationURL:(id)arg2 options:(id)arg3;
- (id)loadedTimeRanges;
- (void)pause;
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struct CMBaseObject { } * assetDownloader;
NSNumber * cachePrimingDownloadTokenNum;
NSURL * destinationURL;
unsigned int downloadToken;
unsigned long long downloadToken;
NSError * error;
struct OpaqueFigAsset { } * figAsset;
struct OpaqueFigPlaybackItem { } * playbackItem;
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAssetExportSession.h
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@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *outputFileType;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSURL *outputURL;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *presetName;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) double progress;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float progress;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int status;

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+ (BOOL)_canWriteMediaOfAsset:(id)arg1 toFileType:(id)arg2;
+ (BOOL)_disableExportCompatibilityCheck;
+ (BOOL)_disablePassthrough;
+ (int)_estimatedOutputFileLengthForPreset:(id)arg1 duration:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (long long)_estimatedOutputFileLengthForPreset:(id)arg1 duration:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (BOOL)_failsAudioPassthroughRestrictions:(id)arg1 outputFileType:(id)arg2;
+ (id)_figRemakerNotificationNames;
+ (int)_getPassthroughExportPolicyForAssetTrack:(id)arg1 fileType:(id)arg2 asChapterTrack:(BOOL)arg3;
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+ (BOOL)_isPassthroughExportPresetCompatibleWithAsset:(id)arg1 outputFileType:(id)arg2;
+ (BOOL)_isPassthroughExportSupportedForAudioFormatDescription:(struct opaqueCMFormatDescription { }*)arg1 forFileType:(struct __CFString { }*)arg2 asChapterTrack:(BOOL)arg3 usingModifiedFormatDescription:(const struct opaqueCMFormatDescription {}**)arg4;
+ (BOOL)_isPassthroughExportSupportedForFormatDescription:(struct opaqueCMFormatDescription { }*)arg1 forFileType:(struct __CFString { }*)arg2 asChapterTrack:(BOOL)arg3;
+ (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })_maximumDurationForPreset:(id)arg1 fileSizeBytesLimit:(int)arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })_maximumDurationForPreset:(id)arg1 fileSizeBytesLimit:(long long)arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (id)_mediaTypesToFailPassthroughExport;
+ (id)_mediaTypesToStripOnPassthroughExport;
+ (id)_settingForPreset:(id)arg1;
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+ (id)_videoOnlyPresets;
+ (id)allExportPresets;
+ (void)determineCompatibilityOfExportPreset:(id)arg1 withAsset:(id)arg2 outputFileType:(id)arg3 completionHandler:(id /* block */)arg4;
+ (int)estimatedOutputFileLengthForPreset:(id)arg1 duration:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (long long)estimatedOutputFileLengthForPreset:(id)arg1 duration:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg2 properties:(id)arg3;
+ (id)exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset:(id)arg1;
+ (id)exportSessionWithAsset:(id)arg1 presetName:(id)arg2;
+ (id)keyPathsForValuesAffectingEstimatedOutputFileLength;
+ (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })maximumDurationForPreset:(id)arg1 properties:(id)arg2;
+ (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })maximumDurationForPreset:(id)arg1 properties:(id)arg2;

- (id)_actualOutputFileType;
- (id)_actualPresetName;
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- (id)_effectiveColorPropertiesForVideoSetting:(id)arg1;
- (float)_getSourceVideoFrameRate;
- (int)_getTrackCountOfType:(id)arg1 checkEnabled:(BOOL)arg2;
- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })_getUntransformedSourceDimension;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })_getUntransformedSourceDimension;
- (void)_handleFigRemakerNotification:(id)arg1 payload:(id)arg2;
- (void)_handleFigRemakerNotificationAsync:(id)arg1 payload:(id)arg2;
- (BOOL)_hasProtectedNonAudioVideoTracks;
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- (void)determineCompatibleFileTypesWithCompletionHandler:(id /* block */)arg1;
- (id)directoryForTemporaryFiles;
- (id)error;
- (int)estimatedOutputFileLength;
- (long long)estimatedOutputFileLength;
- (void)exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:(id /* block */)arg1;
- (int)fileLengthLimit;
- (long long)fileLengthLimit;
- (void)finalize;
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithAsset:(id)arg1 presetName:(id)arg2;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })maxDuration;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })maxDuration;
- (id)metadata;
- (id)metadataItemFilter;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })minVideoFrameDuration;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })minVideoFrameDuration;
- (id)outputFileType;
- (id)outputURL;
- (id)presetName;
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- (void)setAudioTimePitchAlgorithm:(id)arg1;
- (void)setCanPerformMultiplePassesOverSourceMediaData:(BOOL)arg1;
- (void)setDirectoryForTemporaryFiles:(id)arg1;
- (void)setFileLengthLimit:(int)arg1;
- (void)setFileLengthLimit:(long long)arg1;
- (void)setMetadata:(id)arg1;
- (void)setMetadataItemFilter:(id)arg1;
- (void)setMinVideoFrameDuration:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg1;
- (void)setMinVideoFrameDuration:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg1;
- (void)setOutputFileType:(id)arg1;
- (void)setOutputURL:(id)arg1;
- (void)setShouldOptimizeForNetworkUse:(BOOL)arg1;
- (void)setTimeRange:(struct { struct { int x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; int x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { int x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; int x_2_1_4; } x2; })arg1;
- (void)setTimeRange:(struct { struct { long long x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; long long x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { long long x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; long long x_2_1_4; } x2; })arg1;
- (void)setVideoComposition:(id)arg1;
- (void)setVideoFrameRateConversionAlgorithm:(id)arg1;
- (BOOL)shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse;
- (int)status;
- (id)supportedFileTypes;
- (struct { struct { int x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; int x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { int x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; int x_2_1_4; } x2; })timeRange;
- (struct { struct { long long x_1_1_1; int x_1_1_2; unsigned int x_1_1_3; long long x_1_1_4; } x1; struct { long long x_2_1_1; int x_2_1_2; unsigned int x_2_1_3; long long x_2_1_4; } x2; })timeRange;
- (id)videoComposition;
- (id)videoFrameRateConversionAlgorithm;

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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAssetExportSessionInternal.h
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void * figVideoCompositor;
AVAssetTrack * firstVideoTrack;
id /* block */ handler;
int maxFileSize;
long long maxFileSize;
NSArray * metadata;
AVMetadataItemFilter * metadataItemFilter;
struct {
int value;
long long value;
int timescale;
unsigned int flags;
int epoch;
long long epoch;
} minVideoFrameDuration;
BOOL optimizeForNetworkUse;
BOOL outputFileCreatedByRemaker;
NSString * outputFileType;
NSURL * outputURL;
NSString * preset;
NSString * preset16x9;
double progress;
float progress;
NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue> * readWriteQueue;
struct OpaqueFigRemaker { } * remaker;
NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue> * remakerNotificationSerializationQueue;
int status;
struct {
struct {
int value;
long long value;
int timescale;
unsigned int flags;
int epoch;
long long epoch;
} start;
struct {
int value;
long long value;
int timescale;
unsigned int flags;
int epoch;
long long epoch;
} duration;
} timeRange;
BOOL useMultiPass;
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVAssetImageGenerator.h
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@property (nonatomic) BOOL appliesPreferredTrackTransform;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVAsset *asset;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) <AVVideoCompositing> *customVideoCompositor;
@property (nonatomic) struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; } maximumSize;
@property (nonatomic) struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; } requestedTimeToleranceAfter;
@property (nonatomic) struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; } requestedTimeToleranceBefore;
@property (nonatomic) struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; } maximumSize;
@property (nonatomic) struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; } requestedTimeToleranceAfter;
@property (nonatomic) struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; } requestedTimeToleranceBefore;
@property (nonatomic, copy) AVVideoComposition *videoComposition;

// Image: /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation

+ (id)assetImageGeneratorWithAsset:(id)arg1;

- (id)_NSErrorForError:(long)arg1;
- (struct CGImage { }*)_copyCGImageAtTime:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg1 usingAssetReader:(id)arg2 error:(id*)arg3;
- (struct CGImage { }*)_copyCGImageAtTime:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg1 usingAssetReader:(id)arg2 error:(id*)arg3;
- (void)_didGenerateCGImage:(id)arg1;
- (BOOL)_ensureFigAssetImageGeneratorReturningError:(id*)arg1;
- (void)_failedToGenerateCGImage:(id)arg1;
- (id)_makeAutoreleasedAssetReader;
- (id)_optionsDictionary;
- (id)_requestWithRequestID:(id)arg1;
- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })_scaledSizeForRenderSize:(struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })arg1;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })_scaledSizeForRenderSize:(struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })arg1;
- (void)_serverDied;
- (id)_videoSettingWithSize:(struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })arg1;
- (id)_videoSettingWithSize:(struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })arg1;
- (id)apertureMode;
- (BOOL)appliesPreferredTrackTransform;
- (id)asset;
- (void)cancelAllCGImageGeneration;
- (struct CGImage { }*)copyCGImageAtTime:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg1 actualTime:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; }*)arg2 error:(id*)arg3;
- (struct CGImage { }*)copyCGImageAtTime:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg1 actualTime:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; }*)arg2 error:(id*)arg3;
- (id)customVideoCompositor;
- (void)dealloc;
- (void)finalize;
- (void)generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes:(id)arg1 completionHandler:(id /* block */)arg2;
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithAsset:(id)arg1;
- (struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })maximumSize;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })requestedTimeToleranceAfter;
- (struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })requestedTimeToleranceBefore;
- (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })maximumSize;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })requestedTimeToleranceAfter;
- (struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })requestedTimeToleranceBefore;
- (void)setApertureMode:(id)arg1;
- (void)setAppliesPreferredTrackTransform:(BOOL)arg1;
- (void)setMaximumSize:(struct CGSize { double x1; double x2; })arg1;
- (void)setRequestedTimeToleranceAfter:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg1;
- (void)setRequestedTimeToleranceBefore:(struct { int x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; int x4; })arg1;
- (void)setMaximumSize:(struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })arg1;
- (void)setRequestedTimeToleranceAfter:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg1;
- (void)setRequestedTimeToleranceBefore:(struct { long long x1; int x2; unsigned int x3; long long x4; })arg1;
- (void)setVideoComposition:(id)arg1;
- (id)videoComposition;

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struct OpaqueFigAssetImageGenerator { } * generator;
NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue> * imageRequestQueue;
struct CGSize {
double width;
double height;
float width;
float height;
} maximumSize;
int nextRequestID;
struct {
int value;
long long value;
int timescale;
unsigned int flags;
int epoch;
long long epoch;
} requestedTimeToleranceAfter;
struct {
int value;
long long value;
int timescale;
unsigned int flags;
int epoch;
long long epoch;
} requestedTimeToleranceBefore;
NSMutableArray * requests;
NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue> * requestsQueue;
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