tailwindcss : Simple, versatile styling of your app.
TanStack Query: Effortlessly manage remote, improve developer and user experience.
NextJS : For fast and scalable web applications.
shadcn-ui : Beautiful, modulable, cusotmizable components for your applicatons.
tRPC : Ensure e2e full type safety for your application
Prisma : Simplify database interactions and management with a clean and type-safe api
Formiz : For accessible, composable, forms, easily.
i18next : Translate your app in many languages with low efforts
Prettier : Format your code for better consistency and readability.
ESlint : Lint your code for your codebase to remain clean.
Thanks to shadcn-ui and tailwindcss, Styling your application as never been so straightforward.
See src/app/styles folder and tailwind.config.ts file.
Quack Starter comes with dark mode support
Quack starter contains the bare necessities for starting a project.
We give you full control over the logic implementation (auth, database...).
Search for the WARNING comments throughout the code to make your changes.
Quack Starter comes with a handful of components that you can find in almost any web applications (Password input, ColorModeSwitch...).
The component we provide are build on top of shadcn-ui and fully customizable