UnrealLockstepDemo Public
A lockstep demo with deterministic physics for UE.
UnrealReactPhysics3D Public
deterministic reactphysics3d plugin for unreal engine with fixed-point
reactphysics3dFixedPoint Public
deterministic fixed-point reactphysics3d
FixedPoint64 Public
Cross-platform single-header fixed-point arithmetic library.
Portable Public
a collections of rendering techniques based on d3d11 for study 渲染技术的收集与学习
AfterHumanDeclined Public
A very fast GPU-based voxelizer , request shader model 5.0 and d3d11
SparseVoxelOctree Public
Forked from otaku690/SparseVoxelOctreeSparse Voxel Octree Implementation - Upenn CIS-565 final project
HTML MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2014 -
voxelizer Public
Forked from hpsoar/voxelizerimplementation of Fast parallel surface and solid voxelization on GPUs
C++ UpdatedAug 25, 2013