An ansible role to install and configure Blackfire
# Sets the server id used to authenticate with Blackfire API
#blackfire_server_id: __CHANGE_THIS_VALUE__
# Sets the server token used to authenticate with Blackfire API. It is unsafe to set this from the command line
#blackfire_server_token: __CHANGE_THIS_VALUE__
# Log verbosity level (4: debug, 3: info, 2: warning, 1: error)
blackfire_log_level: 1
# Sets the socket the agent should read traces from.
# Possible value can be a unix socket or a TCP address. ie: unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock or tcp://
blackfire_socket: "unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock"
# Sets the URL of Blackfire's data collector
# Restart apache after the activation of blackfire php extension
blackfire_apache_enable: false
# Restart php fpm after the activation of blackfire php extension
blackfire_php_fpm_enable: true
- hosts: all
- { role: AbdoulNdiaye.Blackfire }
blackfire_server_id: __CHANGE_THIS_VALUE__
blackfire_server_token: __CHANGE_THIS_VALUE__
Q: My playbook run fails with error stderr: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
A: On RHEL based systems /etc/sudoers has line:
Defaults requiretty
It's safe to remove that line ( and by doing that everything should work.
Abdoul N'Diaye @AbdoulNdiaye
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