Save this script as name_of_script.js and add your api key
// Example filename: uploader.js
const imgbbUploader = require("imgbb-uploader");
// Check if the correct number of command-line arguments is provided
if (process.argv.length !== 3) {
console.error("\x1b[31mError: Usage: node uploader.js <image-path>\x1b[0m");
process.exit(1); // Exit with an error code
const imagePath = process.argv[2];
imgbbUploader("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE", imagePath)
.then((response) => {
// Extract and log only the links and the delete link
const { url, delete_url } = response;
console.log(`\x1b[32mImage URL:\x1b[0m \x1b[36m${url}\x1b[0m`);
console.log(`\x1b[32mDelete URL:\x1b[0m \x1b[36m${delete_url}\x1b[0m`);
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
Then add something like this to your .bashrc
# ImgBB uploader
alias UpIMG="node ~/path/to/script/name_of_script.js"
And now you can run this in your terminal:
UpIMG my_image.png
UpIMG ~/path/to/image/my_image.png
Lightweight Nodejs module to upload pictures to imgBB (or other chevereto-based APIs) and get display URLs in response.
Primary use is letting imgBB handle the hosting & serving of images.
npm install imgbb-uploader
Node >= 8 ( Promises/await ) ESM projects are supported from 1.5 onward
Care: this module uses fs
under the hood. It WON'T work outside the node environment !
Want to use this client-side? Click here
Formats supported by ImgBB API: .jpg
, .png
, base64
, url
Did you know? imgBB is based on Chevereto, a software written by rodber that you can easily host yourself.
To use with Chevereto, click here!
- I) Get a free API key from imgbb ( estimated time ~1 minute )
- II) Put that in an environment variable
- III) imgbbUploader takes exactly two String arguments : your API key, and the path to your image :
const imgbbUploader = require("imgbb-uploader");
/* or use import in ESM projects:
import { imgbbUploader } from "imgbb-uploader";
imgbbUploader("your-imgbb-api-key-string", "path/to/your/image.png")
.then((response) => console.log(response))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
id: '26Sy9tM',
title: '5e7599f65f27',
url_viewer: '',
url: '',
display_url: '',
size: 260258,
time: '1609336605',
expiration: '0',
image: {
filename: '5e7599f65f27.png',
name: '5e7599f65f27',
mime: 'image/png',
extension: 'png',
url: ''
thumb: {
filename: '5e7599f65f27.png',
name: '5e7599f65f27',
mime: 'image/png',
extension: 'png',
url: ''
medium: {
filename: '5e7599f65f27.png',
name: '5e7599f65f27',
mime: 'image/png',
extension: 'png',
url: ''
delete_url: ''
Note about imgBB API: the medium
Object will only be returned for .png
and base64
files !
From version 1.2.0 onward, you can pass an options object as param.
Use it to customize filename and/or a set duration after which the image will be deleted, cf their docs.
The key you'll use for your image depends on its nature. One of these must be defined:
in case of a local fileimageUrl
in case of an URL stringbase64string
in case of base64-encoded image
const imgbbUploader = require("imgbb-uploader");
/* or use import in ESM projects:
import { imgbbUploader } from "imgbb-uploader";
const options = {
apiKey: process.env.IMGBB_API_KEY, // MANDATORY
imagePath: "./your/image/path", // OPTIONAL: pass a local file (max 32Mb)
name: "yourCustomFilename", // OPTIONAL: pass a custom filename to imgBB API
expiration: 3600 /* OPTIONAL: pass a numeric value in seconds.
It must be in the 60-15552000 range.
Enable this to force your image to be deleted after that time. */,
imageUrl: "", // OPTIONAL: pass an URL to imgBB (max 32Mb)
// OPTIONAL: pass base64-encoded image (max 32Mb)
.then((response) => console.log(response))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
This module is tiny & totally unlicensed: to better fit your need, please fork away !
Basic instructions for tweaking
const imgbbUploader = require("imgbb-uploader");
// Some buffer we need to upload
const data = "definitely-not-an-image-binary";
// Some promise of base64 data
const bufferToBase64 = (buffer) =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
const buff = new Buffer(buffer);
const base64string = buff.toString("base64"); //
return setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// Some async function
const getDisplayUrl = async (buffer, name = "Default-filename") => {
return await imgbbUploader({
apiKey: "definitely-not-a-valid-key",
base64string: await bufferToBase64(buffer),
.then((res) => {
console.log(`Handle success: ${res.url}`);
return res.url;
.catch((e) => {
console.error(`Handle error: ${e}`);
return "";
const myUrl = getDisplayUrl(data, "Dolunay_Obruk-Sama_<3");
This module don't and won't directly support array uploads. Only you can pick the best solution for your usecase.
For example, to upload local directories of pictures, I enjoy working with fs.readdir.
I usually create an imagesDir.js
file wherever it suits me:
module.exports = require("path").join(__dirname);
Then require
that elsewhere and use path.join(imagesDir, relevantSubfolder)
to dig into directories.
Once there, iterate using fs.readdir
and forEach
as needed.
If you need more inspiration Stack Overflow should have you covered!
Issues & PRs are very welcome!
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