handcrafted components inspired by Material Design and bundled with rollup.
react-asc interactive showcase with code snippets link
npm install react-asc
npm install modern-normalize
@use "modern-normalize";
@use "react-asc/react-asc.scss";
import React from "react";
import { Button } from "react-asc";
const MyApp = () => {
return <Button>some button</Button>;
react-asc provides built-in ts definition
- Alert (beta)
- AppBar
- AutoComplete (beta)
- Backdrop
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- Card
- Checkbox
- Chip
- CssTransition
- ConditionalWrapper
- DateSelect
- Drawer
- ExpansionPanel
- FileInput
- FloatingActionButton
- Form (beta)
- Grid
- Icon
- IconButton
- Link
- List
- LoadingIndicator
- Menu
- Modal + ModalService
- NumberSelect Portal
- Select
- Sidebar
- Skeleton (Avatar, Image, Text, SkeletonFooter)
- Snackbar + SnackbarService
- SpeedDial
- Stepper (beta)
- Table (beta)
- Tabs
- Textarea
- TimeSelect
- Tooltip
- TreeView (beta)
- Typography
uses fontawesome icons as SVGs https://fontawesome.com/license