Yorùbá (Latin) to Àébájìogbè Odùduwà Yorùbá Transliteration/Script Translation for standard Yorùbá in all over the World
This tool is build as a joint effort from World Script Explorer and the Odùduwà Alphabet Alphanumeric Àébájìogbè Odùduwà committee. The Web Font Aebajiogbe Oduduwa (WOFF) is for the Oduduwa script which is written from right-to-left script with numerals also being used right-to-left, the Fonts are built on the Arabic Unicode space & the numerals are based of off the Adlam Unicode space. The Transliteration/script Translation tool is built as a solution until the Unicode space is allocated for Oduduwa script.
Features and Functionality
- Default transliteration / script translation from Yorùbá (Latin) Orthography to Àébájìogbè Odùduwà
- Reverse transliteration / script translation from Àébájìogbè Odùduwà Yorùbá to Yorùbá (Latin) Orthography
- The transliteration / script translation happens automatically on typing the text in the input text area
- Swapping of transliteration / script translation can be done between Àébájìogbè Odùduwà and Yorùbá (Latin) swiftly
- Tools works Offline after page is loaded and no need for Internet connectivity once page is opened
- Copy Yorùbá (Latin) or Àébájìogbè Odùduwà Yorùbá from your browser over to any Application on the Operating System like - MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint or Apple Pages, Keynote, Numbers. Note : To view text in Àébájìogbè Odùduwà Yorùbá on any Application download the Fonts and/or Keyman Keyboard from "World Scripts Explorer" : https://worldscriptsexplorer.page/odu
- Supported Software & Hardware Information
- Tools works on multiple device types : Phones, Tablets & Laptop Computer
- Operating Systems : Android, Apple iOS & MacOS, Windows, Linux, etc.
- Browsers : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Opera and Brave