(Hopefully) bringing more accessibility to gaming, by changing the game, not the player.
This project is aimed at being an extensible mod platform, with the capability to modify how many games work, while somewhat standardising the configuration aspect. The sole aim here, is to change the game(s) so that they are easier to play, rather than expect the player to adapt to however the original developers thought was appropriate.
Accessibility is relatively new to this field, we (as developers) don't always get it right. This is our chance to right the ship, after setting sail. See these for a good start on documenting accessibility:
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/accessibility/guidelines
- http://gameaccessibilityguidelines.com/
At the moment, details are a little light. If you think you might be able to help move the project forwards, however small that contribution might be, feel free to get in touch.