MOVRPTW-Paradiseo - Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows implementation on Paradiseo-MOEO.¶ ↑
The VRPTW is a well known combinatorial problem that consists of creating the best set of routes to serve a number of costumers. In order to serve these costumers, a fleet of vehicles depart from a central depot that counts with an unlimited amount of goods. Each vehicle within the fleet has a maximum capacity that must not be exceeded. Costumers have a time window in which they may be served. Also, they have associated a service time, which is the actual time that the delivery takes once the vehicle arrives at a costumer location.
Our benchmark, compatible with this implementation, can be downloaded from:
We work with 5 minimisation objectives using the proposed benchmark datasets in order to assess the quality of each route-plan: (1) number of vehicles needed to serve all costumers, (2) total travel distance, (3) total travel time, (4) total waiting time, and (5) total delay time. This implementation is designed to compared the performance of NSGA-II and MOGA, two well-known evolutionary multi-objective algorithms.
Our implementation is based on the optimisation framework ParadisEO-MOEO [1]. We extended the sources proposed in [2] to support the 5 above explained objectives.
[1] Liefooghe, A., Jourdan, L., Talbi, E.: A Unified Model for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization and its Implementation in a General Purpose Software Framework: ParadisEO-MOEO. Research Report RR-6906, INRIA (2009) [2] LaTorre, A., Clautiaux, F., Talbi, E., Peña, J.: VRP-extended: When confidence and fleet size are also important. In: Talbi, E.G. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, META 2008 (2008)
Paradiseo and original ©VRPTW implementation can be found in:
Get Qmake:
Get Paradiseo:
In the folder containing the source run:
qmake -project
Edit the resulting .pro file and set the following path according to Paradiseo’s path.
For example:
INCLUDEPATH += /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-moeo/src \ /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-moeo/src/utils /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-eo/src \ /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-eo/src/utils
LIBS += /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-moeo/build/lib/libmoeo.a \ /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-eo/build/lib/libeo.a \ /opt/paradiseo/paradiseo-1.2.1/paradiseo-eo/build/lib/libeoutils.a
An example can be downloaded from here:
Generate Makefile running:
And then compile using:
In order to run the binary file, you must provide: - algorithm: moeoNSGAII, moeoMOGA - file containig the (solomon-like) data of the problem - file containig the distance matrices of the problem - file containig the time matrices of the problem - size of population
- number of generations
- seed
./MOVRPTW-Paradiseo moeoNSGAII solomonData.dat distanceMatrixData.dat timeMatrixData.dat 20 1000 0
If you want to contribute, please contact me at: