Create a file like test.o
and run
java -jar NLang.jar test.o
It becomes REPL if you don't provide any arguments to jar file.
make a = 10;
make b = 15;
a = 10;
make a = (2*/12)+(4*b);
make a = [1,2,3];
make b = a.reverse();
print(b); # [3,2,1]
a.last(); # 3
a.first(); # 1
a.add(14); # [1,2,3,14]
a.remove(1) # [2,3,14]
Nested lists
make a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];
a[0][0] = 15;
make b = a[1][1];
print(a[0][0]); # prints 15
print(b); # prints 5
- To loop through 1 to 3(including) use the below code. if you don't want to include the upper bound just remove
likefor 1..3
- For loop had special index variable named
which can be used. it will be only available in the for loop scope.
for 1..=3 {
- if you want to give another name to your index variable you can do it like below
for 1..3 : specialIndex {
You can also use for loop like below
make a = ["Deneme","Test","Nlang"];
for x in a {
Nested for example with special index parameters.
make a = [1,2,3];
make b = ["a","b","c"];
for 0..len(a) : x {
for x..len(b) : y{
func add(a,b){
return a+b;
make result = add(3,4);
print(result); # 7
function able to measure len of any iterable including stringsprint(len("test")); # 4 print(len([1,2,3])); # 3
function to measure timemake start = time() //some stuff print("Time passed",time()-time());
make obj = { "key1":"value1"};
print(obj.key1); # value1
print(obj["key1"]); # value1
make a = 2;
for x in a {
You will get the following error if you execute the code above
make a = 2;
for x in a {
Error: variable a is not iterable. at line 2:10
func fib(n){
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
make result = fib(20);
print(result); # 6765
func fib(n){
make result = [0,1];
for 2..n+1{
return result.last();
make result = fib(20);
print(result); # 6765