For more information on the project and method procedures, refer to the ArcGIS StoryMap website:
This repository contains four Jupyter notebooks:
- Combining_Wildfire_Climate_Data.ipynb: This notebook process and merges wildfire and climate data. The climate data is a daily summary of the average temperature (TAVG), average wind speed (AWND), and precipitation (PRCP) within each county.
- Decision Tree Modeling.ipynb: This notebook creates a decision tree model of different conditions (one-variable, two-variable, etc.) and comapares it with a random classification model. A hypothesis test is applied to see if all the decision tree models have a significantly higher accuracy versus the random classification model.
- Random Forest Modeling.ipynb: This notebook creates a random forest model and compares it with a random classification model (dummy classifier). A hypothesis test is applied to see if the random forest model has a significantly higher accuracy versus the random classification model.
- Wildfire_Dataset_Variable_Methods.ipynb: Contains data processing and visualization instructions regarding adding variables to our wildfire dataset.
This repository contains the following visualization attachments:
- V4_WDF_OFFICIAL.csv: This CSV file is the cleaned and processed database already provided. If you want to skip to the decision tree and random forest modeling, ignore the Combining_Wildfire_Climate_Data notebook.
- ML_Model_Tables.pdf: Contains two readable tables. One table is the scikt-learn parameters applied in our code. The other table is the accuracy and p-values for each tested model.
- dt_all.png: Graphviz image of a decision tree that factors in all our variables (AWND, PRCP, TAVG, DURING_A_DROUGHT, WATERSHD, POP_BY_COUNTY). Max depth of tree is 6.
- dt_awnd.png: Graphviz image of a decision tree that factors in only AWND. Max depth of tree is 3.
- dt_climate_all.png: Graphviz image of a decision tree that factors in our climate variables (AWND, PRCP, TAVG). Max depth of tree is 1.
- dt_pop_by_county.png: Graphviz image of a decision tree that factors in only POP_BY_COUNTY. Max depth of tree is 13.
Dataset #1: Spatial Wildfire Occurrence Data for the United States, 1992-2015 [FPA_FOD_20170508] (4th Edition)
This data publication contains a spatial database of wildfires that occurred in the United States from 1992 to 2015.
Project Goal: Extracted Southern California wildfires from 2000-2015.
Source: USDA
CAL FIRE contains an archive of wildfire incidents from 2013 to present.
Project Goal: Extracted Southern California wildfires from 2016-September 2020.
Source: CAL FIRE
Contains climate summaries for the average temperature (TAVG), average wind speed (AWNG), and precipitation (PRCP).
Project Goal: Extracted daily climate summaries from 2000-September 2020.
Source: NOAA
Population by counties were collected from the census.
Project Goal: Acquired the population data and appended it to our wildfire database.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Tier Two High Hazard Zones are based on watersheds and represent areas for forest health restoration and fire planning.
Project Goal: Extracted watershed data in Southern California using ArcGIS Pro's intersection tool.
Source: CAL FIRE
The Consecutive Drought Dataset for California was collected from the National Drought Mitigation Center in the form of a CSV file.
Project Goal: Extracted the counties in our study area and confirmed which wildfires occurred during a drought.
Source: NDMC
Note: Watershed, drought, and population data was appended to our merged wildfire and climate database using Microsoft Access. Refer to Wildfire_Dataset_Variable_Methods.ipynb for further instructions on this data processing step.