This repository contains my config files for:
- alacritty
- git
- mpv
- neovim
- ripgrep
- tmux
- vim
- xfce keyboard
- zsh
- In Ubuntu 22.04+, you can use the Makefile to install apps:
sudo make install-base # install base packages
sudo make install-cli # install base + CLI packages
sudo make install-gui # install base + GUI packages
sudo make install-lsp # install base + LSP servers
sudo make clean # clean up packages
- Run stow to symlink config files:
stow git nvim ripgrep tmux vim zsh # CLI configs
stow alacritty mpv xfce # GUI configs
- Change the default shell:
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
and reboot - Create git configs
- Install fzf:
make fzf
- Install JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- Generate SSH keys if needed:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
- Run keychain if needed:
eval $(keychain --quiet --eval id_ed25519)
- Configure XFCE if used