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opendataday[bot] committed Feb 25, 2024
1 parent 4229f50 commit bcb28ba
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Showing 2 changed files with 80 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Datasets/Events 2024.csv
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
, Open Data Day 2024 Mogi das Cruzes - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Município,,Discuss the SDGs in the municipality of Mogi das Cruzes carried out through the City Hall.,,,,False,-23.519305,-46.185478,,Prefeitura de Mogi das Cruzes - 55 11 47985159 - ,"Mogi das Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil",open-data-day-2024-mogi-das-cruzes-objetivos-de-desenvolvimento-sustentavel-n,,,
,"""Open Data as a Human Right"" Workshop: Empowering Law Students for Sustainable Development",,"To empower law students by framing open data as a fundamental human right, exploring its intersection with digital rights, and highlighting its role in advancing sustainable development.",,,,False,11.1134917,7.7188449,,Digital Grassroots - Contact the #ODD2024 Project Lead:,"Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria - Nigeria",open-data-as-a-human-right-workshop-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-d,,,
,3. Open Data Expo,,"Motto ""Experience and understand data"". Numerous applications and projects based on publicly accessible data will be presented. Hands-on workshops will also be offered.",,,,False,48.23947,16.378,,University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien & Vienna Business Agency,"Vienna, Austria",3-open-data-expo,,,
,[] 山梨の未来を創る、Pythonでオープンデータを活用しよう ,,Deepen your understanding of the use of open data.,,,,False,35.66849484,138.5700394,,,yamanashi,shingen-py-shan-li-nowei-lai-wochuang-ru-pythondeopundetawohuo-yong-siyou,,,
,A I OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN UGANDA ,,Promote economic social development opportunities of artificial intelligence towards young people ,,,,False,0.40191,32.58373,,KIYITA FOUNDATION . contac person. phionah Nalumansi,Kampala uganda ,a-i-opportunities-for-young-people-in-uganda,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ Information and Communication Technology to engage with gendered data sets and
,Health is better than Money,,"To create awareness on Hygiene Promotion and promote the health of children by supporting them with ( primary level ) medical assistance.
Our project will engage volunteers doctors who will examine the patient before assign any medical assistance especially on diarrhea, cough and fever.
The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially in the months of January to march, their water is not clean and safe.",,,,False,11575771.0,11445590.0,,Hope for Street Children and Vulnerable people Foundation,"Nayinawa is a community located within the Damaturu Yobe State, the people living in the Community are Vulnerable people who are laborers, farmers and their children are the one engage in to Child labour and most of the children are illiterate and they are the one mostly engage even in Boko Haram crisis",health-is-better-than-money,,,
,IA e Dados Abertos (SP) | Open Data Day,,"The goal of our event is to explore and discuss the possibilities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Open Data, empowering participants with practical AI skills for data analysis and manipulation in spreadsheets.",,,,False,-23.59724,-46.66602,,Pedro Markun,São Paulo,ia-e-dados-abertos-sp-open-data-day,,,
,Indicadores de género para la gobernanza de recursos naturales: qué datos tenemos,,Conocer y usar datos abiertos para la gobernanza de recursos naturales desde una perspectiva de genero,,,,False,19.43297,-99.1412,,Técnicas rudas,Ciudad de Mexico,indicadores-de-genero-para-la-gobernanza-de-recursos-naturales-que-datos-tenemo,,,
,Intelligenza artificiale e open gov: un matrimonio possibile?,,To share opinion and experiences on relationship between AI and open government,,,,False,41.86783,12.47917,,FPA-FORUM PA,Roma & online,intelligenza-artificiale-e-open-gov-un-matrimonio-possibile,,,
,Judicial hackathon: opening up the justice system,,,,,,False,-34.603683,-58.381557,,Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia,Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,judicial-hackathon-opening-up-the-justice-system,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ for this purpose.",,,,False,7.25107,5.20354,,YouthMappersFUTA (youthmappersfuta@
,Overview of the national open data program for private sector Stakeholders in Tunisia,,"The exchange and awareness workshop on open public data is adressed to private sector stakeholders and stakeholders. It aims to present the open data program, the several related aspects.
",,,,False,36.80601671,10.18687959,,The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government ( organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an exchange workshop on open public data.,Tunis,overview-of-the-national-open-data-program-for-private-sector-stakeholders-in-tu,,,
,Participation citoyenne à la vie publique ,,Participation citoyenne à la vie publique ,,,,False,44.90733,8.37083,,Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie ,Boghé ,participation-citoyenne-a-la-vie-publique,,,
,PedalMap: Engaging Biking Communities in Open Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals,,,,,,False,14.658018,121.071004,,UP Resilience Institute YouthMappers,University of the Philippines Diliman,pedalmap-engaging-biking-communities-in-open-mapping-for-sustainable-developmen,,,
,Philippine Geography Olympiad,,The Olympiad aims to cultivate the interest of high school students and teachers in geography through scholastic competition and talks regarding geographic applications including climate resilience and open mapping.,,,,False,14.65306124,121.0697168,,"Geographic Society of the University of the Philippines,","Quezon City, Philippines",philippine-geography-olympiad,`,,
,PRESENTACIÓN DE LA “GUÍA DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS PARA PERIODISTAS DE DATOS”,,Queremos presentar la guía que se ha hecho sobre periodismo de datos para que sea conocida y utilizada tanto por periodistas como por todos aquellos que quieran contar historias con los datos,,,,False,39.48686,-0.33312,,Observatorio Valenciano de Datos Abiertos y Transparencia ,Valencia,presentacion-de-la-guia-de-buenas-practicas-para-periodistas-de-datos,,,
,Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement through Open Data (SDG 12) ,,To promote sustainable practices in public procurement processes.,,,,False,10.609319,7.429504,,Natsa Foni Foundation ( ,Kaduna,promoting-sustainable-public-procurement-through-open-data-sdg-12,,,
Expand All @@ -182,6 +185,7 @@ Objectives:
,Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria. Youth for Sustainable Energy Access (YSEA) ,,"Empower youth to champion the cause of affordable and clean energy, fostering a deep understanding of the importance of energy access, renewable energy, and energy efficiency within the framework of SDG 7.",,,,False,9.0081772,7.4799035,,"Sammy Joel, John Baaki and Damaris",Abuja ,women-environmental-programme-wep-nigeria-youth-for-sustainable-energy-access,,,
,WOMEN'S DAY ,,TO TEACH THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN ENDING FEMICIDE,,,,False,1.17314376,36.4919002,,THE NEW ,NAIROBI,women-s-day,,,
,Workshop of Designing a Data Dashboard - Creating stories to tell future people using data on nitrogen pollution.,,Considering future land use through open data on nitrogen pollution.,,,,False,35.645844,139.709114,,Ground Health Assessment Project by Measuring Nitrate Ion in the Code for Japan Community,EIJI PRESS Base,workshop-of-designing-a-data-dashboard-creating-stories-to-tell-future-people,,,
,WORSHOP ON THE USE OF OPEN DATA MAPPING FOR SUSTAINABLE SANITATION ,,The purpose of this event is to highlight how the open mapping can help in the sustainable sanitation of a city by study the case of the VIPCOD project. ,,,,False,3.83714,11.50693,,Association Sustainable and Digital Development (SUNDDEV) ; ; ,Yaoundé (conference hall of Mountain Hub),worshop-on-the-use-of-open-data-mapping-for-sustainable-sanitation,,,
,X-Bridge Night vol.1,,Disaster prevention education for climate change adaptation,,,,False,34.690083,135.195511,,"Osintech Co., Ltd. X-Bridge Project Group (","Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan",x-bridge-night-vol-1,,,
,YouthMappers Summit Kenya ,,"The YouthMappers Summit in Kenya aims to unite youth mappers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on utilizing open data for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through impactful mapping for sustainable development.",,,,False,-1.280423,36.816311,,"Maurine Oyugi, +254700598905, ",Nairobi,youthmappers-summit-kenya,,,
,ZANZIBAR'S TOURIST DESTINATIONS MAPATHON,,To map all the tourist destinations/attractions available in our Island,,,,False,-6.199417,39.307043,,SUZA YouthMappers Chapter,"State University of Zanzibar main Campus - Tunguu, ZANZIBAR",zanzibar-s-tourist-destinations-mapathon,,,
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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions databags/events-2024.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,25 @@
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"event_name": "\"Open Data as a Human Right\" Workshop: Empowering Law Students for Sustainable Development",
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"event_purpose": "To empower law students by framing open data as a fundamental human right, exploring its intersection with digital rights, and highlighting its role in advancing sustainable development.",
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"longitude": 7.7188449,
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"organisers": "Digital Grassroots - Contact the #ODD2024 Project Lead:",
"place": "Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria - Nigeria",
"slug": "open-data-as-a-human-right-workshop-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-d",
"url": "",
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"event_name": "3. Open Data Expo",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1121,6 +1140,25 @@
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"event_date": null,
"event_name": "IA e Dados Abertos (SP) | Open Data Day",
"event_photo_url": "",
"event_purpose": "The goal of our event is to explore and discuss the possibilities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Open Data, empowering participants with practical AI skills for data analysis and manipulation in spreadsheets.",
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"has_event_report": false,
"latitude": -23.59724,
"longitude": -46.66602,
"online_event_url": "",
"organisers": "Pedro Markun",
"place": "S\u00e3o Paulo",
"slug": "ia-e-dados-abertos-sp-open-data-day",
"url": "",
"world_region_code": "",
"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_name": "Indicadores de g\u00e9nero para la gobernanza de recursos naturales: qu\u00e9 datos tenemos",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2793,6 +2831,25 @@
"world_region_code": "",
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"event_date": null,
"event_name": "PedalMap: Engaging Biking Communities in Open Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals",
"event_photo_url": "",
"event_purpose": "",
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"event_tweet_url": "",
"event_video_url": "",
"has_event_report": false,
"latitude": 14.658018,
"longitude": 121.071004,
"online_event_url": "",
"organisers": "UP Resilience Institute YouthMappers",
"place": "University of the Philippines Diliman",
"slug": "pedalmap-engaging-biking-communities-in-open-mapping-for-sustainable-developmen",
"url": "",
"world_region_code": "",
"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_name": "Philippine Geography Olympiad",
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"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_photo_url": "",
"event_purpose": "The purpose of this event is to highlight how the open mapping can help in the sustainable sanitation of a city by study the case of the VIPCOD project. ",
"event_report_url": "",
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"has_event_report": false,
"latitude": 3.83714,
"longitude": 11.50693,
"online_event_url": "",
"organisers": "Association Sustainable and Digital Development (SUNDDEV) ; ; ",
"place": "Yaound\u00e9 (conference hall of Mountain Hub)",
"slug": "worshop-on-the-use-of-open-data-mapping-for-sustainable-sanitation",
"url": "",
"world_region_code": "",
"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_name": "X-Bridge Night vol.1",
Expand Down

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