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opendataday[bot] committed Feb 7, 2024
1 parent 3f4d7a8 commit fc77f5f
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Showing 2 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Datasets/Events 2024.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
,3. Open Data Expo,,"Motto ""Experience and understand data"". Numerous applications and projects based on publicly accessible data will be presented. Hands-on workshops will also be offered.",,,,False,48.23947,16.378,,University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien & Vienna Business Agency,"Vienna, Austria",3-open-data-expo,,,
,[] 山梨の未来を創る、Pythonでオープンデータを活用しよう ,,Deepen your understanding of the use of open data.,,,,False,35.66849484,138.5700394,,,yamanashi,shingen-py-shan-li-nowei-lai-wochuang-ru-pythondeopundetawohuo-yong-siyou,,,
,A I OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN UGANDA ,,Promote economic social development opportunities of artificial intelligence towards young people ,,,,False,0.40191,32.58373,,KIYITA FOUNDATION . contac person. phionah Nalumansi,Kampala uganda ,a-i-opportunities-for-young-people-in-uganda,,,
,At the Heart of Sustainable Development: Unleashing the Power of Open Data,,,,,,False,40.640064,22.94442,,Open Knowledge Foundation Greece and International Hellenic University ,Thessaloniki Greece,at-the-heart-of-sustainable-development-unleashing-the-power-of-open-data,,,
,Bohicon Open Biodiversity Data,,Train activists on the use of free software for data collection and the fight against Biodiversity loss,,,,False,7.174416,2.072107,,Benin Youth Biodiversity Network & Carrefour Living Lab ( BYBN & CLL) Tel +22997149902,Hôtel des Princes Bohicon ,bohicon-open-biodiversity-data,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ Information and Communication Technology to engage with gendered data sets and
,Fresque des données ouvertes,,"Venez découvrir les tenants et aboutissants de l’ouverture des données publiques, ses bases historiques, son cadre réglementaire, ainsi que les bénéfices qu’on peut en attendre, en créant une fresque similaire à la Fresque du climat.",,,,False,44.808591,-0.5978509,,Université de Bordeaux (Antoine Blanchard -,Bordeaux,fresque-des-donnees-ouvertes,,,
,Fresque des données ouvertes,,"Venez découvrir les tenants et aboutissants de l’ouverture des données publiques, ses bases historiques, son cadre réglementaire, ainsi que les bénéfices qu’on peut en attendre, en créant une fresque similaire à la Fresque du climat.",,,,False,44.808591,-0.5978509,,Université de Bordeaux (Antoine Blanchard -,Bordeaux,fresque-des-donnees-ouvertes-2,,,
,g0v hackath61n | 台灣零時政府第陸拾壹次龍來 Open Data Day 黑客松暨零時小學校 4th 專案孵化競賽決選日,,"The g0v community hosts bi-monthly hackathons, emphasizing information transparency, open source, and collaboration openness. Through the power of civic tech, it consistently contributes to advancing towards societal well-being.",,,,False,25.01915106,121.5435237,,g0v Jothon (email:,"Taipei City, Taiwan",g0v-hackath61n-tai-wan-ling-shi-zheng-fu-di-lu-shi-yi-ci-long-lai-open-data-day-hei-ke-song-ji-ling-shi-xiao-xue-xiao-4th-zhuan-an-fu-hua-jing-sai-jue-xuan-ri,,,
,Gifu Open Data BAR ,,"Open Data BAR for one night only. What lines the shelves of the Giff Open Data Bar ""Aprile"" is not alcohol, but open data. We are waiting for you with a wide variety of special data.",,,,False,35.413601,136.752641,,CODE for GIFU(JAPAN),"Gifu , Japan",gifu-open-data-bar,,,
,Hackathon for Development of an Open Platform for mapping flooding using Social Media,,"After the event, we will have developed an open platform for mapping of flooding using Social Media",,,,False,-15.8050083,35.0219253,,Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme,Blantyre ,hackathon-for-development-of-an-open-platform-for-mapping-flooding-using-social,,,
,Hackathon para la visualización de los ODS utilizando Datos Abiertos,,"Reunir especialistas, profesores y estudiantes interesados en el procesamiento estadístico para promover el uso de Datos Abiertos sobre los ODS",,,,False,19.527269,-96.9235,,Facultad de Estadística e Informática de la Universidad Veracruzana -,"Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz",hackathon-para-la-visualizacion-de-los-ods-utilizando-datos-abiertos,,,
,Hackday Niederrhein,,"Hackday Niederrhein ist ein Open Data Event mit Tradition: Zum 9. Mal kommen am 2. und 3. März 2024 Interessierte aus der Region und darüber hinaus für ein Wochenende im Moerser Rathaus zusammen, um sich über offene Daten und Technologien auszutauschen, an Projekten zusammenzuarbeiten und sich gegenseitig beim gemeinsamen Anliegen zu stärken, mehr praktischen Nutzen durch offene Daten zu erzeugen.",,,,False,51.45355,6.62603,,Stadt Moers,"Rathaus Moers, Rathausplatz 1, 47441 Moers, Germany",hackday-niederrhein,,,
Expand All @@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i
,Les jeunes alimentent Data4Governance pour combler les lacunes en matière de données et accélérer la transformation de l’Afrique (Young People Powering Data4Governance to close Data Gaps for accelerating Africa’s Transformation). ,,Les jeunes alimentent Data4Governance pour combler les lacunes en matière de données et accélérer la transformation de l’Afrique based on the he Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) on Monday the 29th of January 2024 published the 2023 series of the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) report entitled “The Power of Data for Governance: Closing Data Gaps to accelerate Africa’s Transformation.” We hope to sensitize young people aged 18-35 based in Zinder Niger Republic to explore how these data gaps connect to the Sustainable Development Goals in view of recent growth within the Sahel Region ,,,,False,13.80716,8.9881,,Cabinet Hub Zinder ,Zinder,les-jeunes-alimentent-data4governance-pour-combler-les-lacunes-en-matiere-de-don,,,
,Lets Count for SDGs,,To enhance community awareness and engagement in best practices for Open Data in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),,,,False,13.03702,5.24529,,Resource Connects for Education Initiative,"Sokoto, Sokoto State",lets-count-for-sdgs,,,
,Making Meaning: Collections as Data,,"Making Meaning is a day for digital innovators, creatives and trendsetters to explore the potential power of collections as data and help us build a community of practice in Australia.",,,,False,-27.47101801,153.0180865,,State Library of Queensland —,"Brisbane, Queensland, Australia",making-meaning-collections-as-data,,,
,"Mapping with the use of flying drones terrestrial ecosystems and forests located in the administrative district of Piatnica (Poland, Europe)",,,,,,False,53.27012,22.14994,,Cyber-Complex Foundation,Piątnica,mapping-with-the-use-of-flying-drones-terrestrial-ecosystems-and-forests-located,,,
,Maproullete Mapathon (Celebrating Women Mappers),,"Map all Maproullette Challenges for Uganda, Train and attract more women mappers, ",,,,False,0.31569,32.57811,,OpenStreetMap Uganda,"Kampala City, MapUganda Offices",maproullete-mapathon-celebrating-women-mappers,,,
,Mar de Datos - Open Data Day MdQ 2024,,"Promote the use of open data among citizens to consolidate the open government model, to achieve more fair, participatory and inclusive democracies.",,,,False,-37.99697,-57.5491,,OSC Escuela de Fiscales,Mar del Plata,mar-de-datos-open-data-day-mdq-2024,,,
,Monitoring Afforestation Campaign,,"This event aims to elucidate and train organizations with afforestation campaigns such as My birthday tree organization on the use of open mapping tools to advance Climate Action.
Expand All @@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ The community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially i
,Open Data Day Finland,,We bring together Finnish SDG enthusiasts virtually,,,,False,60.169857,24.938379,,Open Knowledge Finland,Virtual,open-data-day-finland,,,
,Open Data Day in Flensburg,,"Wir beteiligen uns am diesjährigen Open Data Day 2024 mit einer eigenen ganztägigen Veranstaltung, welche wir überregional ausrichten, mit der wir alle Interessierten im Norden zu einem spannendem Austausch und Kennenlernen einladen.",,,,False,54.792033,9.431105,,OK Lab Flensburg,"Dänische Zentralbibliothek, Norderstraße 59, 24939 Flensburg",open-data-day-in-flensburg,,,
,Open Data Day Informatica Unicam: OSM Mapping Party + Datathon,,"Start a local OSM mapping community in Camerino, where currently none exists.",,,,False,43.13915,13.06778,,"Lorenzo Rossi ( and Héctor Ochoa Ortiz (, Computer Science Section, University of Camerino",Camerino (MC),open-data-day-informatica-unicam-osm-mapping-party-datathon,,,
,Open Data Day Quito,,"Concentrate the open data, open science and open mapping community. In addition to creating a space for new people interested in the use of data. We will have talks about gender, protection of personal data, etc.",,,,False,-0.200268,-78.48257,,Iván Terceros,Quito,open-data-day-quito,,,
,Open Data Day Recife 2024,,,,,,False,-8.05135,-34.89579,,PyLadies Recife,"Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil",open-data-day-recife-2024,,,
,open data day website ,,discussion conducted with stakeholders and collect data from tourism activity in suklaphanta national park and the data will be shared in website ,,,,False,28.0,80.0,,"Eshwar Raj Pant ,email",Mahendranagar ,open-data-day-website,,,
,Open Data Expo - Navigating Open Data Toward Sustainable Development Goals.,,Foster collaboration and awareness in leveraging open data for social impact.,,,,False,-15.41962,28.28315,,Internet Society Zambia Chapter in collaboration with bloggers of Zambia.,Lusaka,open-data-expo-navigating-open-data-toward-sustainable-development-goals,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,3 +112,4 @@ Objectives:
,YouthMappers Summit Kenya ,,"The YouthMappers Summit in Kenya aims to unite youth mappers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on utilizing open data for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through impactful mapping for sustainable development.",,,,False,-1.280423,36.816311,,"Maurine Oyugi, +254700598905, ",Nairobi,youthmappers-summit-kenya,,,
,ZANZIBAR'S TOURIST DESTINATIONS MAPATHON,,To map all the tourist destinations/attractions available in our Island,,,,False,-6.199417,39.307043,,SUZA YouthMappers Chapter,"State University of Zanzibar main Campus - Tunguu, ZANZIBAR",zanzibar-s-tourist-destinations-mapathon,,,
,みんなでつくる泉州らへんの防災マップ(Osaka disaster prevention map created by everyone),,uMapと紙地図でオープンデータの防災マップを作ります。Create an open data disaster prevention map using uMap and paper maps.,,,,False,34.50162,135.40856,,泉大津市立北公民館サポーターチーム、泉州らへんでオープンデータとGISを楽しむ会、和歌山大学岸和田サテライト友の会、泉大津みんなの楽校,"Izumiotsu City,Osaka,Japan",minnadetukuruquan-zhou-rahennofang-zai-matupu-osaka-disaster-prevention-map-created-by-everyone,,,
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions databags/events-2024.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,25 @@
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"event_purpose": "Deepen your understanding of the use of open data.",
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"latitude": 35.66849484,
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"slug": "shingen-py-shan-li-nowei-lai-wochuang-ru-pythondeopundetawohuo-yong-siyou",
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,6 +589,25 @@
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"event_purpose": "Open Data BAR for one night only. What lines the shelves of the Giff Open Data Bar \"Aprile\" is not alcohol, but open data. We are waiting for you with a wide variety of special data.",
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"has_event_report": false,
"latitude": 35.413601,
"longitude": 136.752641,
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"organisers": "CODE for GIFU\uff08JAPAN\uff09",
"place": "Gifu , Japan",
"slug": "gifu-open-data-bar",
"url": "",
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"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_name": "Hackathon for Development of an Open Platform for mapping flooding using Social Media",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -817,6 +855,25 @@
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"event_name": "Mapping with the use of flying drones terrestrial ecosystems and forests located in the administrative district of Piatnica (Poland, Europe)",
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"event_report_url": "",
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"latitude": 53.27012,
"longitude": 22.14994,
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"organisers": "Cyber-Complex Foundation",
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"slug": "mapping-with-the-use-of-flying-drones-terrestrial-ecosystems-and-forests-located",
"url": "",
"world_region_code": "",
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"event_name": "Maproullete Mapathon (Celebrating Women Mappers)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1140,6 +1197,25 @@
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"world_region_text": ""
"event_date": null,
"event_name": "Open Data Day Quito",
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"event_purpose": "Concentrate the open data, open science and open mapping community. In addition to creating a space for new people interested in the use of data. We will have talks about gender, protection of personal data, etc.",
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"event_date": null,
"event_name": "Open Data Day Recife 2024",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1880,6 +1956,25 @@
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"organisers": "\u4e00\u822c\u793e\u56e3\u6cd5\u4eba\u65e5\u672c\u30d0\u30b9\u60c5\u5831\u5354\u4f1a",
"place": "Tokyo",
"slug": "gong-gong-jiao-tong-opundetazui-qian-xian-2024",
"url": "",
"world_region_code": "",
"world_region_text": ""

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