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matuella authored Feb 25, 2019
1 parent 0a19855 commit 833df76
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Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,9 @@

<p align="center">
<a href="#features-and-roadmap">Features and Roadmap</a> |
<p align="center">
<a href="#features">Features</a> |
<a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a> |
<a href="#installing">Installing</a> |
<a href="#how-to-use">How To Use</a> |
<a href="#contributing">Contributing</a> |
Expand All @@ -51,9 +52,26 @@

## Description

### TODO
Revolutionary was built due to a personal need - in essence, the intuit was to create a circle that would behave like a countdown and a stopwatch, but on **`watchOS`**. One of the "problems" is that we don't have `Core Animation`, so we may eventually [try using a bunch of images][watchkitImagesTutorial] (and call it on [WKInterfaceImage][appleDocWKII] in our assets folder), which is completely fine - if the animation is not complex -, but if you want something more detailed (more fluid without a ton of assets) and "controllable", you will probably end ask for help to our beloved `SpriteKit` and its `SKAction`s.

With all of this in mind, an **API** was created to manage a `SKNode`, which basically control the UI behavior and do the necessary callbacks.<!-- TODO: You can see the below screenshots and gifs to visually understand if **Revolutionary** fits your use-case. -->

**Relevant info.**: Because the same behavior was needed in both **`iOS`** and **`tvOS`**, "class helpers" were created to be instantiated directly - a `SKView` and/or a `SKScene` - so we can manipulate the **Revolutionary** `SKNode` without other `SpriteKit` UI elements creating "noise" over the instantiation of our main `SKNode` - the `Revolutionary.swift`. These helpers make this framework works seamlessly on any platform.

### Screenshots and GIFs

## Features

## Features and Roadmap
- [x] iOS support <!--TODO: watchOS, tvOS, macOS -->
- [x] Fully customizable UI properties of the drawn arcs
<!-- TODO: - [x] Add Textures to the arcs; -->
- [x] Manage a Progress behavior
- [x] Manage a Stopwatch/Countdown behavior

## Roadmap

Features **implemented/planned** for 2019 (in order of priority):

Expand All @@ -62,8 +80,9 @@ Features **implemented/planned** for 2019 (in order of priority):
- [x] Support Carthage
- [x] Support CocoaPods
- [x] Add TravisCI
- [ ] Repository description + how to use
- [x] Repository description + how to use
- [ ] Implement Textures on the `SKNode`s
- [ ] iOS Showcases + Improved iOS Examples
- [ ] Add Swiftlint
- [ ] Add Jazzy Docs
- [ ] Support watchOS
Expand All @@ -83,7 +102,237 @@ Features **implemented/planned** for 2019 (in order of priority):

## How to Use

### TODO
### Instantiating `RevolutionaryView`

Because this framework is *UI-heavy*, it uses a [Builder pattern][designPatternBuilder] - required in the classes `init` -, so you can explicitly set the desired parameters with a much more clear and concise syntax.

Example of creating a `RevolutionaryBuilder`:

let revolutionaryBuilder = RevolutionaryBuilder { builder in
//Customize properties here
builder.mainArcColor = .coolPurple
builder.mainArcWidth = 10
builder.backgroundArcWidth = 10

builder.displayStyle = .percentage(decimalPlaces: 2)


**Using [Interface Builder][appleDocsIB]**:


`@IBOutlet private weak var myWrapperView: UIView!`
`private var revolutionary: Revolutionary!`

private func viewDidLoad() {
let myBuilder = RevolutionaryBuilder { builder in
builder.mainArcColor = .black

let revolutionaryView = RevolutionaryView(revolutionaryBuilder, frame: myWrapperView.bounds)

//or by calling a default init with its default properties
//let revolutionaryView = RevolutionaryView(frame: myWrapperView.bounds)

//glueing the revolutionary view to my wrapper view
revolutionaryView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
revolutionaryView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: revolutionaryViewWrapper.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: revolutionaryViewWrapper.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: revolutionaryViewWrapper.topAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: revolutionaryViewWrapper.bottomAnchor).isActive = true

//Because Revolutionary is a SKNode, we must stay with its reference to manipulate its state
revolutionary = revolutionaryView.rev

//If you don't want to create a custom `SKLabel` on the builder, just customize the default one after instantiation. I.e:
revolutionary.displayLabel.fontColor = .purple

//If you don't want to use the builder, just instante the RevolutionaryView with default values (just passing the frame)
//and set the same properties that you would've passed in the RevolutionaryBuilder
revolutionary.mainArcColor = .cyan


**Using Programmatically-created UI**:

To exemplify, we will center the `Revolutionary` in the middle of the screen:

private var revolutionary: Revolutionary!

private func viewDidLoad() {
let myBuilder = RevolutionaryBuilder { builder in
builder.mainArcColor = .black

let revolutionaryViewFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200)

let revolutionaryView = RevolutionaryView(revolutionaryBuilder, frame: revolutionaryViewFrame)

//or by calling a default init with its default properties
//let revolutionaryView = RevolutionaryView(frame: revolutionaryViewFrame)

let centeredView = UIView()
centeredView.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
centeredView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

revolutionaryView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centeredView.topAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centeredView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centeredView.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
revolutionaryView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centeredView.trailingAnchor).isActive = true

centeredView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
centeredView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true

//Because Revolutionary is a SKNode, we must stay with its reference to manipulate its state
revolutionary = revolutionaryView.rev

//If you don't want to create a custom `SKLabel` on the builder, just customize the default one after instantiation. I.e:
revolutionary.displayLabel.fontColor = .purple

//If you don't want to use the builder, just instante the RevolutionaryView with default values (just passing the frame)
//and set the same properties that you would've passed in the RevolutionaryBuilder
revolutionary.mainArcColor = .cyan


**Alternatively - instantiating the `SpriteKit` classes directly:**

If you intend to use the `SpriteKit` classes directly (like the `Revolutionary` which is a `SKNode`, or the `RevolutionaryScene` which is a `SKScene`):

`RevolutionaryScene` - `SKScene`:
let revolutionarySize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
let myRevolutionaryScene = RevolutionaryScene(size: revolutionarySize)

//or with builder
//let myBuilder = RevolutionaryBuilder { builder in
// builder.mainArcColor = .black
//let myRevolutionaryScene = RevolutionaryScene(myBuilder, size: revolutionarySize)

let revolutionary = myRevolutionaryScene.rev

`Revolutionary` - `SKNode`:
let myRevolutionary = Revolutionary(withRadius: 50)

//or with builder
//let myBuilder = RevolutionaryBuilder { builder in
// builder.mainArcColor = .black
//let myRevolutionary = Revolutionary(withRadius: 50, builder: myBuilder)

let revolutionary = myRevolutionaryScene.rev

**IMPORTANT**: As you can see, the `init` of both `RevolutionaryView` and `RevolutionaryScene` requires a `padding: CGFloat`, which defaults to `16`, but this is basically the padding in which the `Revolutionary` will draw its circle. This is needed because the `UIBezierPath` which will draw the arcs may get out of the `SKScene`.
To clarify, lets say you need a circle of `radius = 100`. If you set the `padding = 8`, you'll need a frame of `116` of height/width, because the padding will be 8 points in each "side".


### `Revolutionary` usage

Now that we have a reference to our `Revolutionary` node, we can call the necessary functions, given our use-case.

**Progress usage**:

Used when you need to manage the arc state, like a download progress, a completion ratio of some arbitrary in-game progress, a progress of a onboarding, etc.

let progressAnimationDuration = 3.5

//Animating the new progress - in terms of 0-100% - to 50%.
//Important to notice that 0%/0 degress means `CGFloat = 0` and 100%/360 degrees means `CGFloat = 1`
let newProgress: CGFloat = 0.5 newProgress, withDuration: progressAnimationDuration) {
print("Completed Progress in")


**Countdown usage**:

There's basically two modes when *running* **Countdown**: indefinite and definite. This means to pick if you want the animation to keep going until stopped (indefinite) or using predetermined duration/amounts of revolutions.

*Definite countdown*:
//This is in seconds. Meaning half of a second for each revolution in this case
let countdownDuration = 0.5
//Total revolution times
let totalRevolutions = 5
revolutionary.runCountdown(withRevolutionDuration: countdownDuration, amountOfRevolutions: revolutionsAmount) {
print("The countdown finished in \(countdownDuration * Double(totalRevolutions))")

*Indefinite countdown*:
//This is in seconds. Meaning half of a second for each revolution in this case
let countdownDuration = 0.5
revolutionary.runCountdownIndefinitely(withRevolutionDuration: countdownDuration)


**Stopwatch usage**:

Just like the **Countdown**, the **Stopwatch** use the same indefinite/definite separation.

*Definite stopwatch*:
//This is in seconds. Meaning half of a second for each revolution in this case
let stopwatchDuration = 0.5
//Total revolution times
let totalRevolutions = 5
revolutionary.runStopwatch(withRevolutionDuration: stopwatchDuration, amountOfRevolutions: revolutionsAmount) {
print("The stopwatch finished in \(stopwatchDuration * Double(totalRevolutions))")

*Indefinite stopwatch*:
//This is in seconds. Meaning half of a second for each revolution in this case
let countdownDuration = 0.5
revolutionary.runStopwatchIndefinitely(withRevolutionDuration: countdownDuration)


**Managing the state**:

//Completed in this case, means if it should reset to the full arc (360 degrees) / `true` or no arc (0 degress) / `false`
revolutionary.reset(completed: true)


## Contributing

Expand All @@ -100,7 +349,14 @@ Revolutionary is licensed under MIT - [LICENSE][license].

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