- A car rental app
- the app has services for adding/removing cars, demands and users (no front end for that part)
- there is also a service for scheduling the cars according to the demands
- there are also a simulator and dashboard apps where the simulator creates some cars and then starts moving them randomly and the dasboard shows the movements of the cars in the x and y dimensions
- make sure you have docker version 18.x+ installed
- run
docker-compose up
at the root of the project to launch all services - once everything is running you'll have the apps running as follows:
users-app: localhost:15000 with crud capabilities
- GET localhost:15000/users
- GET localhost:15000/users/{_id}
- POST localhost:15000/users with data in that format:
{ user: { name: "omar", age: 24, ... } }
- PATCH localhost:15000/users/{_id}
- DELETE localhost:15000/users/{_id}
cars-app: localhost:15001 with crud capabilities
- GET localhost:15001/cars
- GET localhost:15001/cars/{_id}
- POST localhost:15001/cars with data in that format:
{ car: { model: "BMW", type: "SEDAN", location: {x: 1, y: 2} ... } }
- PATCH localhost:15001/cars/{_id}
- DELETE localhost:15001/cars/{_id}
demands-app: localhost:15002 with crud capabilities
- GET localhost:15002/demands
- GET localhost:15002/demands/{_id}
- POST localhost:15002/demands with data in that format:
{ demand: { model: "BMW", type: "SEDAN, pickupLocation: {xPickup: 1, yPickup: 2}, pickupTime: "11/2/2018 11:30", ... } }
- PATCH localhost:15002/demands/{_id}
- DELETE localhost:15002/demands/{_id}
- the simulator app is running in the background and if you go to localhost:15004 you will see a representation of the cars
- The scheduler-app localhost:15003/schedule gives you a schedule of available cars and demands if possible
To run tests for any of the services:
- go to a container using
docker exec -it [app_name] sh
- run
npm test
- node-js (micro)
- react
- socket.io
- ava
- chart.js
- docker
- docker-compose