An interactive campus navigation system built with Python, Tkinter, and Pillow. This tool allows users to visualize a campus map and find paths between buildings using popular graph traversal algorithms like BFS, DFS, and Dijkstra's.
- Interactive Visual Map: Navigate the campus by selecting start and end buildings from a user-friendly interface.
- Pathfinding Algorithms:
- BFS: Finds the shortest path by the number of stops.
- DFS: Explores paths between buildings.
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Computes the shortest path based on weighted distances.
- Programming Language: Python
- Libraries:
for GUI design and canvas-based visualizationPillow
(PIL) for image handlingqueue
for efficient graph traversal algorithms
- The campus is modeled as a graph using an adjacency list where:
- Nodes represent buildings.
- Edges represent pathways with weights for distance and time.
- Users interact with a visual map, selecting:
- A start building
- An end building
- A pathfinding algorithm (BFS, DFS, or Dijkstra’s).
- The chosen algorithm calculates the path, which is highlighted on the map:
- BFS and Dijkstra’s display the shortest path.
- DFS shows exploratory traversal and optionally visualizes progress in real-time.