Currently based: Barcelona, Spain
- Phone: +34 690946259
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- Github: omninando
I'm a Software Engineer who loves computer science and how we interact to every piece of technology. The way user interfaces - specially on the web - can have a huge impact in peoples lives fascinates me and makes me work to go even further to enhance their experience through beautiful design and performant implementation.
- Javascript (React, TypeScript, ES2015+, Redux, AngularJS, jQuery, NodeJS, Most.JS)
- CSS (Stylus, Sass, PostCSS)
- Tests (Jest, React testing library, Cypress, WebdriverIO, Playwright)
- CSS Frameworks (CSS Modules, Styled Components, Tachyons)
- Monitoring (Splunk, Sentry, Amplitude, Launchdarkly)
- CI/CD (Github Actions, Jenkins)
- Git
Software Engineer Frontend - Typeform - February 2022 - Present
Currently working in the experiments team working in new features for onboarding and guiding customers through the platform and improve the usage of forms. The features are developed in React and bundled with internal configuration of webpack. Jest, react-testing-library and cypress are used to validate and test the solutions. A backend with NodeJS/Typescript is also maintained by me and the team.
Software Engineer - Javascript - Klarna - March 2020 - February 2022
Worked in the Hosted Payment Page, which consists in a external payment integration for in-store and e-commerce merchants, being built in React bundled with webpack. As is a payment integration it is done with unit tests using jest and react testing library, along with webdriverIO and Browserstack to have e2e testing coverage. I also work in the Klarna app building a new way to pay in-store with QR codes. It is built with React Native, Redux and Most.JS to handle the user flows and Jest and Cypress to account for testing the app. I also work in a BFF layer which is a node lambda function that interfaces the app with multiple backends.
Front End Engineer - VTEX - June 2017 - January 2020
Worked as a front end engineer responsible for the checkout UI, one of the most important interfaces in the platform, being served to 2000 stores across the world. The checkout currently completes about 150k orders a day, also having the record of 650k orders last Black Friday. The Checkout UI SPA is composed by current (React, Redux) as well as legacy code (Knockout JS) living together. It's deployed using AWS CodeBuild, running unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library. For end2end tests we use Cypress running in CD for all cases and primary use cases for monitoring.
Web Engineer - Huge - November 2015 - May 2017
Worked on scalable web applications for massive corporations, focusing mainly on the frontend development, making use of Javascript - specifically AngularJS, Sass, CSS, HTML. Projects were developed using Javascript with version control using GIT. Most significant project was a Internet Banking SPA for BV Financeira focusing on managing credit card statements and loans. Was a 1 year project delivered with support for all modern browsers and IE 10. Used Angular 1.x framework to develop the SPA. For testing, Karma with Selenium were used o do unit and e2e tests.
Front End Developer - DClick Web e Mobile Solutions - February 2015 - September 2015
Maintained and implemented new features with a highly iterative approach, to web applications focusing on the frontend using HTML5, CSS3, Angular.JS, Twitter Bootstrap, and Java and Spring frameworks in the backend.
Computer Science (Exchange Student) - Clark University - January 2014 - December 2014
Computer Science (Summer Term) - Boston University - June 2014 - August 2014
Analysis and Development of Systems - Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano (IFBaiano) - March 2013 - December 2014 (Stopped)
- Practical Design Patterns with Javascript (Jonathan Mills / Pluralsight)
- Functional-Lite Javascript (Kyle Simpson / Frontend Masters)
- English
- Portuguese (Native)