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onflapp edited this page May 9, 2024 · 1 revision

GSDE Build Process

  1. make sure you install all dependencies
  2. fetch sources from the right repos, versions do matter
  3. run the script as root (sudo)

Raspberry Pi

Default version of Raspberry Pi OS is still compiled for ARM 32bit. This means GSDE needs to "downgrade" to ObjectiveC runtime version 1.9 to compile and run properly. Later versions either do not compile at all or will core dump due to invalid msgSend implementation (my guess).

if armhf architecture is detected, the build script will do the following:

  • git checkout origin/1.9 out of libobjc2 repo
  • force -with-runtime-abi=gnustep-1.9

Can I build using the latest libraries/original master repos?

The short answer is no. Long answer - be very careful!

GSDE contains many patches/changes that were not merged into the original yet.

You can easily build it using your repos by tweaking the script or building each component separately. However, if you do so, be aware this might cause all kinds of problems (e.g. functionality not working correctly, random core dumps, etc.).

It still doesn't work/compile/look right

GSDE extensively relies on your configuration in ~/Library. You might need to remove your ~/Library for GSDE to use the latest defaults.