Releases: openedx/edx-drf-extensions
Releases · openedx/edx-drf-extensions
Add jwt_refresh_cookie_name
1.9.0 Add jwt_refresh_cookie_name.
Refactor authentication related code.
Authentication related code has partially been refactored into an
auth folder.
New code should import the moved classes from their new
locations. However, the refactor was done as a backward-compatible
change with TODO notes for completion.
See ARCH-244 for details on completing the refactor work.
Middleware to reconstruct JWT HTTP Cookies
Added middleware for reconstructing JWT auth cookie. Also, starts new authn directory (soon to be auth). ARCH-231
Add docs for RequestMetricsMiddleware.
Set defaults on JWT tokens that do not have the `is_restricted` and `filters` attributes.
1.6.1 Fix JWT defaults for is_restricted and filters attributes.
Add RequestMetricsMiddleware.
The RequestMetricsMiddleware can be used to write a variety of metrics for each transaction, including: - request_auth_type: no-user, unauthenticated, jwt, bearer, other-token-type, session-or-unknown - request_user_agent - request_client_name: The client name from edx-rest-api-clientcalls. - request_referer
Fix EnsureJWTAuthSettingsMiddleware to support ViewSets
1.5.5 Fix EnsureJWTAuthSettingsMiddleware to support ViewSets
Asymmetric JWT Support
Updates JWT Decoder so it can verify JWTs signed with asymmetric keys.
Update Permissions and JWT handling for OAuth Scopes
1.5.2 Update Permissions for OAuth Scopes
OAuth Scopes: Middleware to add required_scopes and runway for permissions
1.5.0 OAuth Scopes: additional JWT middleware and permissions support