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Releases: openedx/edx-drf-extensions

Upgrade to new-style Django middleware

01 Jul 18:58
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See for details. This release will remove many RemovedInDjango20Warnings for clients of this library.

Fix call to is_jwt_authenticated

05 Jun 18:41
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Fix call to is_jwt_authenticated when the request has no successful_authenticator attribute

Added a helper method to get jwt token from request.auth

27 May 07:27
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This release adds a helper method in edx_rest_framework_extensions/auth/jwt/ to get decoded hwt token from request.auth

Revert 'Update cookies.get_decoded_jwt logic to also query jwt cookiefrom request.auth'

24 May 07:10
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Revert 'Update cookies.get_decoded_jwt logic to also query jwt cookiefrom request.auth'

Updated cookies.get_decoded_jwt logic to also query jwt cookie from request.auth

08 May 06:08
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This release updates the logic of edx_rest_framework_extensions.auth.jwt.cookies.get_decoded_jwt so that jwt cookie is queried in request.auth if not found in request.COOKIES.

add get_decoded_jwt from jwt cookie in request

01 Apr 18:18
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Bumping version to support JWT version 1.2.0

18 Mar 16:00
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This release bumps the version of default_latest_supported value to 1.2.0

It should be noted that there was a user_id jwt claim added to edx-platform while at version 1.1.0, however the version of the jwt was not bumped at that time.

Remove backward compatible auth imports.

15 Oct 18:46
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Several auth classes and methods were refactored and the
backward incompatible imports have been removed.

Important: SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser was moved as
part of this release, so this release also adds a backward
incompatible change from any earlier version as well.


09 Oct 18:52
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Add csrf API.

Added SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser

01 Oct 11:25
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Added SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser to support authentication of inactive users on mobile devices.