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chore: Translate django.po in uz
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100% reviewed source file: 'django.po'
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transifex-integration[bot] authored and openedx-transifex-bot committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 963a411 commit 7412315
Showing 1 changed file with 318 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# edX translation file.
# Copyright (C) 2024 EdX
# This file is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
# EdX Team <>, 2024.
# Translators:
# Eden Huthmacher, 2024
# Alibek Anvarov, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-13 08:00+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 00:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Alibek Anvarov, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Uzbek (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: uz\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

msgid "What did you learn from this? What was missing?"
msgstr "Bundan nimani o'rgandingiz? Nima etishmayotgan edi?"

msgid "How would you rate this as a learning experience?"
msgstr "Buni o'rganish tajribasi sifatida qanday baholaysiz?"

msgid ""
"Think about the material, and try to synthesize key lessons learned, as well"
" as key gaps in our presentation."
msgstr ""
"Material haqida o'ylab ko'ring va olingan asosiy saboqlarni hamda "
"taqdimotimizdagi asosiy kamchiliklarni umumlashtirishga harakat qiling."

msgid ""
"Take a little bit of time to reflect here. Research shows that a meaningful "
"synthesis will help you better understand and remember material from this "
msgstr ""
"Bu erda fikr yuritish uchun bir oz vaqt ajrating. Tadqiqotlar shuni "
"ko'rsatadiki, mazmunli sintez ushbu kursdagi materialni yaxshiroq tushunish "
"va eslab qolishga yordam beradi."

msgid "Excellent"
msgstr "Ajoyib"

msgid "Good"
msgstr "Yaxshi"

msgid "Average"
msgstr "O'rtacha"

msgid "Fair"
msgstr "Yarmarka"

msgid "Poor"
msgstr "Bechora"

msgid "Freeform user prompt"
msgstr "Erkin shakl foydalanuvchi so'rovi"

msgid "Random number generated for p. -1 if uninitialized"
msgstr ""
"p uchun yaratilgan tasodifiy raqam. -1 agar ishga tushirilmagan bo'lsa"

msgid "How user voted. -1 if didn't vote"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi qanday ovoz bergan. -1 agar ovoz bermagan bo'lsa"

msgid "What percent of the time should this show?"
msgstr "Bu vaqtning necha foizini ko'rsatishi kerak?"

msgid "A list of user votes"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchilarning ovozlari ro'yxati"

msgid "Feedback"
msgstr "Fikr-mulohaza"

msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan ism"

msgid "Provide Feedback"
msgstr "Fikr bildirish"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:17
msgid "Voting message"
msgstr "Ovoz berish xabari"

msgid "Thank you for voting!"
msgstr "Ovoz berganingiz uchun tashakkur!"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:25
msgid "Feedback message"
msgstr "Fikr-mulohaza xabari"

msgid "Thank you for your feedback!"
msgstr "Fikr-mulohazangiz uchun rahmat!"

msgid "Show aggregate to students"
msgstr "Talabalarga jamlanmani ko'rsatish"

msgid "Please reflect on this course material"
msgstr "Iltimos, ushbu kurs materiali haqida fikr yuriting"

msgid ""
"Please take time to meaningfully reflect on your experience with this course"
" material."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, ushbu kurs materiali bilan tajribangiz haqida mazmunli fikr "
"yuritish uchun vaqt ajrating."

msgid "Please rate your overall experience"
msgstr "Iltimos, umumiy tajribangizni baholang"

msgid "Please take a moment to thoughtfully reflect."
msgstr "Iltimos, mulohaza yuritish uchun bir oz vaqt ajrating."

msgid "Please vote!"
msgstr "Iltimos, ovoz bering!"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:10
msgid "Component"
msgstr "Komponent"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:13
msgid "Number of ratings"
msgstr "Baholar soni"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:16
msgid "Average rating"
msgstr "O'rtacha reyting"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:19
msgid "Feedback "
msgstr "Fikr-mulohaza "

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:40
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Izoh"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:40
msgid "Vote"
msgstr "Ovoz berish"

#: static/html/feedback_instructor.html:40
msgid "No vote"
msgstr "Ovoz yo'q"

#: templates/html/feedback.html:17
msgid "Submit Feedback"
msgstr "Fikr-mulohaza yuborish"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:5
msgid ""
"This XBlock allows you to collect student feedback on pieces of the course. "
"This may be helpful either for course improvement, or to give students a "
"chance to reflect on what they have done."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu XBlock sizga kurs qismlari bo'yicha talabalarning fikr-mulohazalarini "
"to'plash imkonini beradi. Bu kursni yaxshilash yoki talabalarga qilgan "
"ishlari haqida fikr yuritish imkoniyatini berish uchun foydali bo'lishi "

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:9
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan ism"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:12
msgid "The name of the component."
msgstr "Komponentning nomi."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:20
msgid "The message to show after user vote."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ovozidan keyin ko'rsatiladigan xabar."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:28
msgid "The message to show after user feedback."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi fikr-mulohazalaridan keyin ko'rsatiladigan xabar."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:33
msgid "Show aggregate report to students"
msgstr "Talabalarga umumiy hisobotni ko'rsatish"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:35
msgid "False"
msgstr "Yolg'on"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:36
msgid "True"
msgstr "To'g'ri"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:39
msgid "Wheter to show the aggregate report to students."
msgstr "Talabalarga jamlangan hisobotni ko'rsatish kerakmi."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:44
msgid "Freeform prompt"
msgstr "Erkin shakl so'rovi"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:47
msgid "Example: Please provide us feedback on this section."
msgstr "Misol: Iltimos, ushbu bo'lim haqida bizga fikr bildiring."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:52
msgid "Freeform placeholder"
msgstr "Erkin shakldagi to'ldiruvchi"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:55
msgid "This is shown as grayed out text before the student has answered."
msgstr "Bu talaba javob berishidan oldin kulrang matn sifatida ko'rsatiladi."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:60
msgid "Likert icon set"
msgstr "Likert belgisi to'plami"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:62
msgid "Faces (happy to sad)"
msgstr "Yuzlar (baxtli va qayg'uli)"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:63
msgid "Faces (sad to happy to sad)"
msgstr "Yuzlar (qayg'ulidan xursand va qayg'uli)"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:64
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Raqamli"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:65
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Yulduzlar"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:68
msgid "We can either show happy/sad faces, numbers 1-5 or stars."
msgstr ""
"Biz baxtli/qayg'uli yuzlarni, 1-5 raqamlarni yoki yulduzlarni ko'rsatishimiz"
" mumkin."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:73
msgid "Likert prompt"
msgstr "Likert taklifi"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:76
msgid "Example: Please rate your overall experience with this section."
msgstr "Misol: Iltimos, ushbu bo'lim bilan umumiy tajribangizni baholang."

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:81
msgid "Likert option 1"
msgstr "Likert varianti 1"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:84
msgid "Example: Excellent!"
msgstr "Misol: Ajoyib!"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:89
msgid "Likert option 2"
msgstr "Likert varianti 2"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:92
msgid "Example: Good"
msgstr "Misol: Yaxshi"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:97
msgid "Likert option 3"
msgstr "Likert varianti 3"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:100
msgid "Example: Average"
msgstr "Misol: O'rtacha"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:105
msgid "Likert option 4"
msgstr "Likert varianti 4"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:108
msgid "Example: Fair"
msgstr "Misol: adolatli"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:113
msgid "Likert option 5"
msgstr "Likert varianti 5"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:116
msgid "Example: Poor"
msgstr "Misol: kambag'al"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:123
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Saqlash"

#: templates/html/studio_view.html:126
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Bekor qilish"

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