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Releases: openmoh/openmohaa


04 Jan 17:25
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What's changed

See v0.81.0 changelog to see what's new since v0.80.0.

This tiny patch quickly fixes the following important issues:

  • Fixed the text of pulldown elements being invisible on some menus
  • Fixed the server not taking the client rate into account and transmitting network fragments too fast, this may be the reason why some clients were unable to connect


02 Jan 19:06
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What's changed


macOS binaries are now released as universal binaries.

Signed and notarized macOS builds are available here:


  • 4K HUD support (HUD and UI elements are scaled for resolutions above 1920x1080)
  • Audio IMA-ADPCM WAV support (sea sounds in the d-day mission landing, subpen sound in Flughafen MP map...)
  • FOV is now adjusted based on the aspect ratio
  • Lot of bugfixes (AI, gameplay/round, mods/scripts, issues in long matches, UI...)


  • Don't execute newconfig.cfg anymore as it overrides graphical settings
  • Fixed letters with diacritic not being parsed nor displayed correctly in Spearhead and Breakthrough
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some custom maps with a lot of grid patches (increased MAX_PATCH_PLANES)
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur when rendering static models under certain configurations
  • Fixed a stack overflow crash that would occur with a name of more than 30 characters
  • Some errors that show in console will only print in developer mode now (developer set to 1), as those are not relevant for the end-user
  • The unnamedsoldier.cfg configuration file will be used as a template for creating the omconfig.cfg configuration file if the latter doesn't exist


  • Added support for smaller lightmaps (BSP files having _sml suffix). Smaller lightmaps are enabled at startup when the texture detail is set to Low and if the map supports it (single-player levels of Spearhead and Breakthrough), useful for old low-end hardware
  • Added a new variable to customize the FOV client-side cg_fov (defaults to 80), the FOV is no longer an ephemeral server-side setting
  • Fixed the client getting stuck in the loading screen when disconnected due to an error
  • Fixed the client loading the map twice when the server restarts and change map immediately
  • Fixed the first person model not matching the player model
  • The FOV is automatically adjusted depending on the aspect ratio


The OpenAL library has been updated to version 1.24.1.

  • Added support for IMA-ADPCM Wave sound files (4-bit compressed sound). Sounds such as sea waves (in the d-day landing mission) and subpen are now played accordingly

User interface

  • Automatically scale UI and HUD for resolutions above 1920x1080 (support for 2K and above). UI and HUD elements no longer look tiny on 4K resolutions
  • Fixed an issue when resizing an in-game window, the window would stop being resized when the mouse was rapidly moving
  • Fixed huddraw elements being wrongly positioned on wide screen when elements have virtualscale enabled
  • Fixed pulldown menus being improperly focused and activated at the same time
  • Fixed the crosshair being too small or hidden when a lower Texture Detail value (r_picmip) is set
  • Properly handle long strings in the chat message box and in the game message box


  • Fixed the result of the status command which prevented tools like Advanced Security from getting IP addresses (note: Advanced Security doesn't support IPv6 addresses)
  • Fixed an issue where connecting clients would disconnect with the error tried to parse cg message without cgame loaded. This issue occurs in original 1.11, but was fixed in original 2.0 (Spearhead and Breakthrough)

Game Module

AI & MP bots

  • Fixed singleplayer AI not aiming at the enemy while taking cover
  • Fixed singleplayer AI not dropping weapons if forcedropweapon is set on the sentient and weapon drops are disabled in the level (should be better for Breakthrough single-player maps)
  • Fixed a random crash that would occur when using multiplayer bots
  • Improved multiplayer bot logic


  • Fixed game messages not having a newline
  • Fixed letters with accents not displaying in the chat box


  • Fixed doors closing immediately when blocked (this bug also occurs in the original game)
  • Fixed smoke grenades not reapparing when loading from save
  • Fixed vehicle tank tandem causing a crash when a single turret was attached
  • Make players non-solid when they're a passenger in a vehicle (fixes players getting hit/damaged by the moving vehicle)
  • Prevent the player from going out of the maximum world bounds in noclip mode (as in mohaas/mohaab)
  • Prevent the player from shooting silently by firing and dropping the weapon at the exact same time (this is trick is possible in the original game)
  • When a door is blocked (voluntarily by a player or not), it will now try to open again in the other direction, to make the door not impossible to open (this is also an issue in the original game)


  • Fixed a bug that would make the player die or spawn with no inventory. This occurs when getting killed and respawning immediately (this bug also occurs in the original game)
  • Fixed an issue where remote clients would lose track of other clients team that have changed their name
  • Fixed players getting the score from previous maps if they reconnect at the right moment (this bug also occurs in the original game)
  • Fixed players deaths (or total kills) being added twice in round-based matches
  • Fixed spawn metrics being terrible in FFA (like players respawning right behind other players)
  • Fixed teamkill kick not displayed in Spearhead and Breakthrough
  • Fixed the match not ending after the clock reached 0:00 in round-based games


  • Fixed an infinite loop that would very rarely occur when an entity is removed from script (this can also occur in the original game)
  • Fixed script lexer errors (this occured mainly for custom maps/mods)
  • Fixed unusual issues that could occur in mods during very long matches (e.g., over 24 hours) due to floating-point precision loss in script wait times. For example with JVMF (recoil emulation), ammo would be randomly consumed when firing


24 Nov 18:19
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What's changed

As all of the features from the original game are implemented and the stability increased, the project is transitioning from alpha to beta.


The name of the binaries on all platforms have changed for more clarity, it is now following the following naming convention:

  • <name>.<architecture>.<extension> for release binaries
  • <name>.<architecture>-dbg.<extension> for debug binaries.

Some users were sad about its absence. Introducing: 🎉 macOS 🎉! There are now x86_64 and arm64 binaries for macOS. Woohoo (x10) ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
It is an alternative to Wine on Apple Silicon (ARM) hardware. NOTE: they're currently not bundled and are not universal apps, so exceptions must be added to allow binaries to run.

Fixes were made for big-endian architectures (like PowerPC) as well.

Also, when looking to package OpenMoHAA on a new platform, make sure to support launching expansions as well (Spearhead and Breakthrough).


  • Added 3 launchers for simplicity, to start Allied Assault, Spearhead or Breakthrough

  • Rendering

    • Better lighting
    • Decals / level marks are now rendered
    • Dynamic lights are now renderered properly, no more ground blinking issues when shooting rockets
    • Entities are now lit better by sphere lights (some artifacts are still present)
    • Sunflares are now rendered
  • AI fixes (animations, logic, seeing through windows, holding turrets, speech animation...)

  • Animation fixes + smoother animations

  • Audio system enhancement

  • Better FX

  • Briefing videos from Spearhead and Breakthrough and game intro are working

  • Crashes fix

  • Demos are now supported using +set com_target_demo 1 launch command-line

  • Fixed mods not loading properly

  • Fixed weird movement artifacts when running server on ARM

  • Less crashes

  • Network profiling

  • Script engine fixes + better mod support


  • Added network profiling feature from mohaas/mohaab (cl_netprofile, cl_netprofileoverlay, sv_netprofile, sv_netprofileoverlay and netprofiledump)
  • Briefings videos are now played in mohaas/mohaab
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when no valid animation exist for a model
  • Fixed long subtitles not being displayed
  • Lowered log verbosity to avoid spamming console with useless stuff. Set developer to 1 for more verbosity.
  • Missing animations are no longer missing
  • The game intro is now played when the game starts


  • Added "tmvolume", so single-player scripts can adjust the music volume
  • Ambient sounds should now play correctly on all maps
  • Fixed a crash when the sound quality was set to a value lower to High (which means 44 kHz)
  • Fixed an occurence where some sounds would loop forever. This would occur mostly when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed background ambient sounds being muted when restarting after the intermission (this is a bug in the original game)
  • The ambient sound is now completely reset on each map, which means ambient sounds from previous maps won't be heard (this is a bug in the original game)


  • As a protection, stufftext commands (commands that the server want clients to execute) are now filtered out, only some stufftext commands are allowed to prevent any alteration from a remote server
  • Added fuse stopwatch (Medal of Honor: Spearhead and Breakthrough feature)
  • Added testemitter support for creating emitters
  • Animations now play smoothly, a lower timescale won't result in a poorly laggy animation anymore (this is an issue in the original game)
  • Better FX
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur when loading a map
  • Fixed an issue where delayed effects wouldn't spawn, like the K5 cannon in MOH: Breakthrough, e3l3
  • Fixed animations issue when the player dies (weird shaking, etc)
  • Fixed barrel water/oil leaks not showing
  • Fixed bullet holes disappearing on doors
  • Fixed emitters leaking, this would cause a massive lag in a server with a lot of players
  • Fixed issues with shaky animation in a multiplayer game, like when dying, the animation would repeat and look buggy
  • Fixed the client not being able to play on standalone non-dedicated MOH: Breakthrough servers (which would prevent awesome LAN sessions)
  • Fixed the quick message mode window being shown as a full chat window
  • In mohaas/mohaab mode, team radar icon should now blink when the teammate is talking
  • It's now possible to navigate and play voices from the in-game voice menu


  • Fixed pk3 ordering: for example, files starting with zzzzz_name must take precedence over zz_name. This should fix the issue where some mods would unexpectedly take precedence over other mods

Game module

  • Added a server feature to tweak in-game text messages and instant messages
  • Added a server feature to prevent unbalancing teams
  • Added Breakthrough liberation instant messages
  • Clients who are not sent to others (invisible + not sent to snapshots) won't be able to use anything like doors, and won't be able to send instant/voice messages
  • Don't allow lean in single-player in the base game
  • Don't count telefrags as teamkills (this is an issue in the original game)
  • Fixed a bug where the map would not end when the remaining time left reached 0:00 and the fraglimit was set
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when loading a saved game
  • Fixed a memory leak issue that can be seen after a long play time, some of the memory leaks also occur in the original game
  • Fixed AI animations
  • Fixed AI incorrectly holding a turret too far away
  • Fixed AI moving incorrectly after loading from save
  • Fixed AI not turning away from walls
  • Fixed AI not being able to see through a window frame
  • Fixed AI running too slowly, and a rare occurence where AIs would get stuck when going down the stairs
  • Fixed an issue where bullets would not hit anything behind triggers in Allied Assault, like in m2l3 from inside the vent
  • Fixed an issue where the player would be invulnerable when using heavy weapons, like the Granatwerfer
  • Fixed an issue where some AIs would not have a speech animation when speaking
  • Fixed barrel jittering
  • Fixed errors related to the script lexer & grammar
  • Fixed Flak88 and Nebelwerfer destroyed models in Spearhead and Breakthrough
  • Fixed jeep vehicle position on m3l2
  • Fixed ladder positioning (the issue would only occur on 64-bit systems)
  • Fixed player position on a vehicle turret gun (like the AA gun, or the Granatwerfer)
  • Fixed sentients still dropping their weapons even if the level has disabled weapon drops
  • Fixed some rare mods not loading properly due to an error in the script lexer
  • Fixed some script models not having any animation after loading from save
  • Fixed the barrel jittering
  • Fixed the roof top door on e1l3 (with Gino Corelli) opening when closing the handle (due to an incorrect returned result of a script command)
  • Fixed vehicle turret gun not making any sounds
  • Fixed vehicle turret gun being out of sync with the vehicle after loading from save (this issue also occurs in the original game)
  • Fixed weapon pickups where picking up a weapon with only 1 ammo remaining (like a grenade) would not pick the ammo up (this is a bug in the original game)
  • Fixed weapprev/weappnext/weapdrop switching to inventory item like binoculars
  • Navigation fixes


  • Added dynamic light support for terrains
  • Added lighting for smoke FX
  • Added support for sunflares and lensflares
  • Dynamic lights are now rendered properly and they no longer cause rendering artifacts all over the place
  • Fixed a crash that would occur in terrain code on some platforms
  • Fixed static models being incorrectly culled/hidden
  • Fixed water and oceans being strangely deformed
  • Implemented the level marks system: DCL file loading, decals, treadmark decals, and terrain marks
  • Improved the overall lighting. Objects should now be lit correctly (some issues could still occur)
  • JPEG screenshots are now supported using the screenshotJPEG command
  • Sky seams and similar graphical artifacts should no longer be seen on most configurations


  • Don't send pak names to clients if download (sv_allowDownload) is disabled
  • Fixed animations not playing (like in e2l1) when they are played while the server is starting
  • Fixed an hang (infinite loop) that would occur when sv_fps is above 1000 (this bug also occurs in the original game)
  • Fixed entities being sent through skyportals
  • Fixed status returning too long columns for some programs
  • Fixed velocity being incorrect on ARM systems due to a signed integer overflow
  • Reject demo clients on full servers
  • Reject non-Breakthrough clients when targeting Breakthrough


  • Fixed a bug where the game would get stuck in the loading screen if the loading screen doesn't have a "continue" button
  • Fixed bugs in the UI map rotation list when adding/applying
  • Improved in-game Notepad support
  • The UI should no longer lock up when refreshing/canceling the server list (this bug also occurs in the original game)

Special thanks in this version

@gbudny @bulldozerecske @pryon @ysdragon @bf2006a @SilentMRG @Cowcat5150 @joebonrichie @mohaa-man

Also thanks to @KevDoy @TotalTechGeek for helping with macOS support


02 Sep 19:10
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What's changed

This version introduces a lot of bugfixes and stability fixes compared to the v0.61 release.

Overall, the project has become more stable, with the engine almost fully implemented, making the single-player mode highly playable.
The project will reach beta once missing features are implemented, like decals (rendering), VIS (rendering), sun flares...


  • This new version ships with binaries for PowerPC, PowerPC64 and PowerPC64 Little-Endian. Currently experimental and the client may not work correctly.
  • For linux binaries, AARCH64 was renamed to ARM64


  • Animation fixes
  • Add a default idle animation for TIKI files not having any animation
  • Fixed a crash related to localization (due to some strings containing a backtick)
  • Fixed some models having surfaces without a shader
  • Fixed entity collision
  • Fixed bad terrain/patch collision with grenades
  • Fixed improper collision on fences - it's now possible to target flak88 behind barbwires with binoculars
  • Fixed load/save game crashes
  • Networking fixes
  • Improved support for big-endian architectures (like PowerPC 32/64 bits and ARM in big-endian mode)


  • Fixed entities being incorrectly attached sometimes

CGame module

  • Bullet hit effects like snow, water and glass are fixed, as well as bullet tracers and flesh impacts
  • Corrected Gewehrgranate viewmodel animations
  • Fixed occasional crashes due to volumetric smoke
  • Fixed marks not showing on entities like doors
  • Invisible models fix
  • Rain/snow should now be properly working
  • Various fixes for special FX


  • Fixed configstrings overflow on big maps, like t1l2 on MOH: Spearhead

Game module

  • Door fixes, like door opening in the wrong direction
  • Physics fixes, like grenade bouncing
  • Fixed AIs: they're less dumb than on previous versions
  • Fixed the artillery system (ProjectileGenerator) - fixes for t2l3, t2l4...
  • Fixed game loading/saving having wrong datas
  • Fixed the scoreboard on FFA and for spectators
  • Fixed the script engine - all scripts must be working now
  • Fixed an issue with spawnpoints where the player wouldn't spawn at the correct spot
  • The mine detector correctly detect mines, in single-player
  • The mission date (such as "JUNE 6, 1944") is now displayed
  • The vehicle system is now fully working properly: no more vehicles getting stuck
  • Singleplayer maps are all completable now (although some rare bugs may occur)


OpenAL is the new audio renderer for OpenMoHAA, it replaces the old SDL audio system and introduces new features and bugfixes, such as:

  • Ambient sound (soundtrack)
  • HRTF can be used on OpenAL by setting the speaker type to Headphones
  • Loopsounds
  • Music support (triggered music)
  • Proper sound entity spatialization
  • Streamed sounds - audio files (such as music) are streamed from disk without them being entirely loaded in memory
  • Volume/Pitch variation

4-bit sounds (such as sea waves) are currently not supported.


  • Added support for DDS textures
  • Added morphs: dynamic facial expressions for characters
  • Fixed crashes related to terrain
  • Fixed crashes related to vid_restart and snd_restart
  • Fixed strange lighting when Full entity lighting is disabled
  • Lighting related fixes
  • Implemented sky portal
  • Most shaders should correctly load


  • Added in-game Notepad (thanks to @pryon)
  • Added screenshots for saved games
  • Fixed crashes related to UI
  • Fixed vid_restart breaking the UI
  • Fixed the multiplayer map picker displaying the same maps twice
  • Player model picker should now be displaying characters properly
  • Properly show the "disconnected" menu when the client get disconnected from a server

Known issues in this release

  • If the sound quality is set to a value below High (s_khz variable below 44), weird sound glitches will be heard (see #349), and a crash may occur. To resolve this issue, set the sound quality to High. This will be fixed another release.

Full Changelog: v0.61.0...v0.70.0

Thanks to

In this release, some bugs were fixed by @pryon @runlevel5 @ysdragon through pull requests, and resolved issues were reported by @gbudny @bulldozerecske @ysdragon @Cowcat5150 @KevDoy @rcrit @optimus-code


08 Jan 17:29
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.60.2...v0.61.0

Game module

  • Crash fixes
  • Fixed callvote with invalid strings
  • Fixed grenade crash
  • Fixed weapons being attached to the wrong player's hand under some circumstances
  • Landmines are now fully working (a Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough feature)
  • Players should now get the correct loadout in multiplayer
  • Script command documentation can now be exported properly using dumpallclasses command
  • sv_fps with a value higher than 20 shouldn't cause issues anymore with animations


  • 3D player models are now shown in the main menu screen
  • Added single-player map list and multiplayer map list
  • Added map rotation list for multiplayer
  • Added player model selection list
  • Added LAN game searcher
  • Added subtitles, centerprint, and locationprint
  • Added the miniconsole
  • Binds can now be set
  • Configstring can now be handled in multiple chunks
  • Fixed mohaas server version mismatch in the server list when using mohaab target game
  • Fixed vote menu not working
  • Fixed UI sounds not working
  • Fixed locationprint and centerprint not working


29 Nov 17:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.60.1...v0.60.2

Game Module

  • Fixed pain animations
  • Fixed portable turret animations
  • Fixed game crashing when saving and/or loading from save

ClientGame Module

  • Fix for the client game module not hiding the stats screen


  • Level file archive fix


15 Nov 22:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.60.0...v0.60.1


  • Bullet tracers should now be working correctly
  • Fixed a bug where player could get stuck in turret mode after the turret was removed
  • The carryable turret (packed MG42 turret) can now be placed


  • Configs are now stored in the homepath
  • Binaries are now stored in the root folder (no need to replace existing MOH binaries anymore)
  • Added non-pvs feature (hide players from other clients who cannot see them)
  • Added more SH and BT features
  • Added ioq3 server features
  • Mostly implemented AI Actor (still buggy)
  • Implemented Vehicle and TurretGun from BT 2.40
  • Implemented voting system
  • Crashes fixes
  • Rendering fixes, client fixes, game fixes and script engine fixes


15 Nov 17:23
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.58.1...v0.60.0

  • Configs are now stored in the homepath
  • Binaries are now stored in the root folder (no need to replace existing MOH binaries anymore)
  • Added non-pvs feature (hide players from other clients who cannot see them)
  • Added more SH and BT features
  • Added ioq3 server features
  • Mostly implemented AI Actor (still buggy)
  • Implemented Vehicle and TurretGun from BT 2.40
  • Implemented voting system
  • Crashes fixes
  • Rendering fixes, client fixes, game fixes and script engine fixes


20 Aug 22:41
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What's changed

Full Changelog: v0.57.0...v0.58.1

Most changes were server-related:

  • It's now possible to browse servers using the UI
  • Features from mohaas and mohaab were ported to openmohaa:
    • Animated farplanes
    • Bullets through wood/metal
    • Smokes
    • Sprint
    • Compass radar (icon of teammates on the compass)
    • Landmines
    • Tug-of-War and Liberation game types
    • ...
  • Training map works
  • The script engine should now be fully compatible with mohaa scripts
  • Multiplayer bot support
  • Fixed bugs, and crashes


25 Jul 21:55
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Full Changelog: v0.56.0...v0.57.0

What's Changed

  • Renderer:
    • Sphere lights are now rendered for entities
    • Light grid support for mohta and mohtt
    • Light grid is now calculated for sphere lights (entity lighting)
  • Game/Fgame:
    • Support for a flag that allow leaning while moving (mohta and mohtt)