Version Release Notes
Compatible with OpenSearch 2.2.0
- Add feature processor to convert geo-json feature to geo-shape field (#15)
- Add rest handler for geo-json upload (#25)
- Create UploadGeoJSONRequest content as an object (#32)
- Add GeoJSON object of type FeatureCollection (#33)
- Include new route to support update index while upload (#34)
- Add uploader to upload user input (#35)
- Make field name as optional (#37)
- Use BulkResponse build error message (#46)
- Update upload API response structure (#51)
- Add metric and stat entity (#54)
- Create Upload Stats Service to build response for stats API (#62)
- Include stats api to provide upload metrics (#64)
- Create plugin using plugin template (#3)
- Add formatter config from OpenSearch (#21)
- Adding JDK 11 to CI matrix (#31)
- Add support to run integration tests with multiple nodes (#57)
- Update OpenSearch upstream version to 2.2.0(#87)