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Knative Showcase

The apps in this repository are used to showcase basics of Knative Serving and Eventing. The same features are implemented both in Quarkus and Express.JS frameworks.


  • Supports the PORT env

    # start the app... 
    http :$PORT
  • /

    http :8080 user-agent:Mozilla/5.0
    # returns a nice hello page when called from Browser
    http :8080
    # returns a JSON with app's coordinates when called from command line
    http options :8080
    # returns a JSON with app's coordinates
  • /hello

    http :8080/hello

    Returns a hello JSON (sequenced), and sends Cloud Event to K_SINK target. A operational delay can be enforced by using DELAY (in msec) environmental variable.

  • K8s readyness and liveness probes

    http :8080/health/ready
    http :8080/health/live
  • Prometeus metrics

    http :8080/metrics
  • OpenAPI & Swagger UI

    http :8080/openapi.json
    http :8080/swagger-ui
  • Input validation (validation by OpenAPI schema)

  • Distributed Tracing