Version 0.5.0 [2020-06-02]
[fix] Fix crash when pending migrations check fails
[add] default_or_test function
[add] Added deep_merge_dicts function
[add] formatter: black<=19.10b0
[add] OPENWISP_API_INFO setting
[add][api] Require authentication for API docs if DEBUG is False
[add][api] Implement ScopedRateThrottle by default
[add][api] Introduced api.ApiAppConfig
[add][rest] optional swagger API endpoints
[add][rest] django-filter
[docs] Re-ordered, added information and improved existing docs
[update] Added support for flake8 flake8<=3.9
[change] Renamed test_api to api for consistency
[change] Rename openwisp-utils-qa-checks to openwisp-qa-check
[change][api] Renamed /api/v1/swagger/ to /api/v1/docs/
[improvement] Moved to importlib for Dependency loader & staticfiles for importing files
[improvement] Added "Related to #" for commit-check
[enchancement] Added strict mode to run-qa-checks
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