npm install operand-facebook-sdk@latest
- ES6
import { MetaPage } from 'operand-facebook-sdk';
(async () => {
const page = new MetaPage({
apiVersion: 'v21.0',
pageId: 'your-page-id',
pageAccessToken: 'your-page-access-token',
const pageData = await page.getAllPosts()
console.log({ pageData });
- CommonJS
const OPSDK = require("operand-facebook-sdk");
(async () => {
const page = new OPSDK.MetaPage({
apiVersion: 'v21.0',
pageId: 'your-page-id',
pageAccessToken: 'your-page-access-token',
const pageData = await page.getAllPosts()
console.log({ pageData });
Provides authentication for generating access tokens for the Meta API.
createAccessToken(options: CreateMetaAuth): Promise<string>
- Description: Generates an access token for accessing Meta API resources.
- Parameters:
: The application’s client ID.client_secret
: The application’s client secret.redirect_uri
: Redirect URI after the user grants permissions.apiVersion
: API version to use.code
: The authorization code from the OAuth process.
- Returns: A
that resolves with the access token as astring
Handles operations for managing Meta pages, including posting, updating, and deleting posts, as well as creating stories.
- Parameters:
: Access token for the page.pageId
: ID of the page to manage.apiVersion
: Version of the API to use.
getAccounts(options: GetAccounts): Promise<any>
- Description: Retrieves accounts associated with the page.
- Parameters:
: Array of fields to include in the response.
- Returns: An
of account objects.
getAllPosts(): Promise<PagePost[]>
- Description: Fetches all posts on the page.
- Returns: A list of
getPostUrlById(postId: string): string
- Description: Generates a URL for a post by its ID.
- Parameters:
: ID of the post.
- Returns: The URL of the post.
createPost(post: CreatePost): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a post on the page, either text, photo, or video.
- Parameters:
: Post configuration object, including message, publication time, and media type.
- Returns: The ID of the created post.
updatePost(postId: string, message: string): Promise<boolean>
- Description: Updates the content of a post.
- Parameters:
: ID of the post to update.message
: New content for the post.
- Returns: Boolean indicating success.
deletePost(postId: string): Promise<boolean>
- Description: Deletes a post by ID.
- Parameters:
: ID of the post to delete.
- Returns: Boolean indicating success.
createStories(story: CreateStories): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a story for the page, either photo or video.
- Parameters:
: Story configuration including media type and source.
- Returns: The ID of the created story.
createReels(reel: CreateReels): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a reels for the page, only video.
- Parameters:
: Reel configuration including media mediaSource to video.
- Returns: The ID of the created reel.
fileTypesPermitted(file: "video" | "photo", type: string): boolean
- Description: Checks if the file type is permitted.
verifyPhotoSize(value: string | Buffer, isBuffer: boolean): Promise<boolean>
- Description: Checks if the photo size is within allowed limits.
validatePublishDate(datePublish: Date): boolean
- Description: Validates that the publish date is within 10 minutes to 6 months from now.
savePhotoInMetaStorageByUrl(url: string): Promise<string>
- Description: Saves a photo in Meta’s storage using a URL.
savePhotoInMetaStorageByPath(path: string): Promise<string>
- Description: Saves a photo in Meta’s storage using a file path.
saveVideoInMetaStorageMomentaryByUrl(video: string): Promise<string>
- Description: Saves a video momentarily in Meta’s storage by URL.
uploadPhotos(photos: Array<{ source: string; value: string }>): Promise<string[]>
- Description: Uploads multiple photos to Meta’s storage.
createTextPost(message: string, publishNow: boolean, datePublish?: Date): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a text-only post on the page.
createMediaPost(message: string, mediaIds: string[], publishNow: boolean, datePublish?: Date): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a media post on the page with specified media IDs.
uploadVideo(video: { source: string; value: string }, message: string, publishNow: boolean, datePublish?: Date): Promise<string>
- Description: Uploads a video to Meta’s storage, supporting both immediate and scheduled publishing.
createPhotoStory(story: CreateStories): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a photo story on the page.
createVideoStory(story: CreateStories): Promise<string>
- Description: Creates a video story on the page.
export interface PagePost {
created_time: string;
message: string;
id: string;
export interface PaginationCursors {
before: string;
after: string;
export interface PaginationInfo {
cursors: PaginationCursors;
export interface GetPagePostsResponse {
data: PagePost[];
paging: PaginationInfo;
export interface CreatePagePostResponse {
id: string;
post_id?: string;
export interface UpdatePagePostResponse {
success: boolean;
export interface DeletePagePostResponse {
success: boolean;
export interface SaveMediaStorageResponse {
id: string;
export interface CreatePhotoStoriesResponse {
success: boolean;
post_id: string;
export interface CreateAccessTokenResponse {
access_token: string;
token_type: string;
export interface GetPageAccountsResponse {
data: Array<{
id: string;
name?: string;
about?: string;
category?: string;
category_list?: Array<{ id: string; name: string }>;
location?: {
city?: string;
country?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
street?: string;
zip?: string;
fan_count?: number;
access_token?: string;
tasks?: string[];
picture?: {
data: {
url: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
is_silhouette?: boolean;
cover?: {
id: string;
source: string;
offset_y?: number;
offset_x?: number;
photos?: {
data: Array<{
id: string;
name?: string;
created_time?: string;
picture?: string;
videos?: {
data: Array<{
id: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
picture?: string;
source?: string;
engagement?: {
count?: number;
social_sentence?: string;
is_published?: boolean;
is_verified?: boolean;
verification_status?: string;
website?: string;
emails?: string[];
phone?: string;
instagram_business_account?: { id: string };
hours?: {
monday?: string;
tuesday?: string;
wednesday?: string;
thursday?: string;
friday?: string;
saturday?: string;
sunday?: string;
created_time?: string;
bio?: string;
link?: string;
business?: {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface CreateStartVideoUploadResponse {
video_id: string;
upload_url: string;
export interface CreateLoadingVideoUploadResponse {
success: boolean;
export interface CreateFinishVideoUploadResponse {
success: boolean;
message: string;
post_id: string;
import { ApiVersion } from "./meta-auth";
import { PagePost } from "./meta-response";
export type ConstructorMain = {
pageId: string;
pageAccessToken: string;
apiVersion: ApiVersion;
type PhotoMediaItem = {
source: "url" | "path";
value: string;
type VideoMediaItem = {
source: "url" | "path";
value: string;
export type CreatePost = {
mediaType?: "photo" | "video";
message?: string;
publishNow: boolean;
datePublish?: Date;
photos?: PhotoMediaItem[];
video?: VideoMediaItem;
type CreateStoriesPath = {
mediaSource: "local";
mediaType: "photo" | "video";
path: string;
type CreateStoriesUrl = {
mediaSource: "url";
mediaType: "photo" | "video";
url: string;
export type CreateStories = CreateStoriesPath | CreateStoriesUrl;
type CreateReelsPath = {
mediaSource: "local";
path: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
type CreateReelsUrl = {
mediaSource: "url";
url: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
export type CreateReels = CreateReelsPath | CreateReelsUrl;
export interface IMetaPage {
getAllPosts(): Promise<PagePost[]>;
getPostUrlById(postId: string): string;
createPost(data: CreatePost): Promise<string>;
updatePost(postId: string, message: string): Promise<boolean>;
deletePost(postId: string): Promise<boolean>;
createStories(data: CreateStories): Promise<string>;
export type ApiVersion = "v17.0" | "v18.0" | "v19.0" | "v20.0" | "v21.0";
export type CreateMetaAuth = {
client_id: string;
client_secret: string;
redirect_uri?: string;
apiVersion: ApiVersion;
code: string;
export type FieldsPage = Array<
| "id"
| "name"
| "about"
| "category"
| "category_list"
| "location"
| "fan_count"
| "access_token"
| "tasks"
| "picture"
| "cover"
| "photos"
| "videos"
| "engagement"
| "is_published"
| "is_verified"
| "verification_status"
| "website"
| "emails"
| "phone"
| "instagram_business_account"
| "hours"
| "created_time"
| "bio"
| "link"
| "business"
| string
export type GetAccounts = {
fields: FieldsPage;
accessToken: string;