This OSINT tool is for the analysis of Telegram channels. You can feed the tool by providing a JSON file created by Jordan Wildon's Telepathy. The JSON contains a dump of all messages of a Telegram Channel.
Clone the repo and install all requirements.
git clone
cd telegram_analyzer
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [-h] [-t] [-dh [UserID ...]] [-w] [-s] file
with these arguments:
file JSON file containing the telegram data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --time Create chart of posting times
-dh [UserID ...], --daysHours [UserID ...]
Create heatmap of posting days vs. times for all users or certain UserIDs
-w, --weekday Create chart of messages per weekday
-s, --statistics Show statistics (#members, #messages, #mean nr of messages etc.)
-ma n, --mostActive n
Show the top n members by messages and their message count. Need to pass n > 0 as input