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Slimpogrine = SLIng + coMPOsum + pereGRINE

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Here we bake two open-source WYSIWYG website editors into the same Apache Sling app-server. Because we can.

Peregrine with a VueJs-SPA approach from headwire. (see github, talk )

Composum-Pages with a normal html-page approach from ist-software. Composum is friends with Sling standalone-apps anyway. They provide a node-browser, a content-package- and a user-manager for open-source Sling. So that is already used by the plain sling-starter and peregrine-cms, so adding the pages feature seems quite natural.

There is also the official Apache Sling - CMS Reference App that comes also with a WYSIWYG editor. talk
It's not used here but it's still worth looking into it to get some general concepts about Sling.

Build and run

You need this peregrine-cms fork. (Only that has ONE content-package migrated to Jackrabbit FileVault Package Maven Plugin to make it work)

In the peregrine-cms fork run

mvn clean install

to have the required artefacts in your local .m2 repo.

In here

mvn clean install

(Integration-tests need a look at).

There is an example start-skipt

Access it on port 8080: http://localhost:8080
It starts with the Peregrine Loging screen. (user:passwd is admin:admin)
Over the Tools section you can get into composum or via this link: http://localhost:8080/bin/pages.html

In launcher/src/main/container/webcache docker build --tag '' . && docker run -t -i -p 80:80 --env RENDERER_URL= --env AUTHOR_URL=

Maven Project generated from Maven Archetype


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.


This project was created by the Full Project Sling Maven Archetype which created four modules:

  1. core: OSGi Bundle which is deployed as OSGi Bundle to Sling which includes your Servlets, Filters, Sling Models and much more. This module is not intended to contain Sling Content.
  2. ui.apps: JCR Content Module which is used to install a JCR Package into Sling by using Composum. For that it must be installed and the Composum Package Manager must be whitelisted.
  3. launcher: Feature model module which assembles a full application from the project which can then be launched using the included ./ script
  4. all: This is another JCR Content Module but it is only used to install the other two modules.

There are also two more modules that provide some examples with the same name plus the .example extension. This modules should not be deployed as is but rather examples that you want to use should be copied to the core or ui.apps module. The structure of both modules are the same and so copying them over just be quite simple.

Why the All Package

Most real projects have many different OSGi bundles, Content Packages, Configuration Modules and many more. Deploying them one by one is cumbersome and can lead to inconsitency and to a lot of overhead in a Continious Integration system. The All package allows you to deploy all theses artifacts in one swoop or it allows you to deploy them to multiple targets by just repeating the All deployment.

Adding a new Module

If you create a new Maven module then you need to add them to the All POM as well to include them into the All deployment. These are the steps:

  1. Add the dependency to the new module in the All POM
  2. Add the module to the maven-vault-plugin definition
    1. If this is a content package then into the subPackages
    2. If this is an OSGi Bundle then into the embeddeds
Package Filter

In any multi-content-package environment the developer needs to pay close attention to the content filtering in the META-INF/vault/filter.xml as this can lead to hard to detect issues. Please make sure that:

  1. Exclude /apps/<apps-folder-name>/install from any of your content package as in that folder the All package is installing the bundles into
  2. Make sure that content packages are not removing each other contents. The rule is that each content package has their own sub folder inside /apps/<apps-folder-name> and avoid overlap.
  3. Any shared folders like overlays need to be separated from each other. It is a good idea to limit your filter to smallest subset possible to avoid future issues if another package needs to place their overlays into the same folder.

The package filter is a mask that tells Sling which part of the JCR tree your package maintains and after the deployment that part of the JCR tree will be the same as in your package. All missing ndoes in Sling will be created, all existing nodes will be updated and all missing nodes in your package will be deleted in Sling.

Why a JCR Package instead of a Content Bundle

There a several reasons to use a JCR Package instead of a Content Bundle but for the most important reason is that a JCR Package allows the Sling Tooling to update a single file rather than an entire Bundle and also to import a Node from Sling into the project.


Due to the way Apache Maven Archetypes work both example modules are added to the parent POM's module list. Please remove them after you created them to avoid the installation of these modules into Sling. At the end of the parent POM you will find the lines below. Remove the lines with core.example and ui.apps.example.


Build and Installation

The project is built quite simple:

mvn clean install

To install the project autoInstallAll:

mvn clean install -P autoInstallAll

It is not a good idea to deploy code with both approaches. Choose one and stick with it as you can either loose a bundle or the bundle is not updated during installation.

In case of a mishape the package and bundles needs to deinstalled manullay:

  1. Remove /apps/${appsFolderName}/install folder
  2. Uninstall the package using the package manager
  3. Remove the package from /etc/packages including the snapshots if they are still there
  4. Remove the Bundle using the OSGi Console (/system/console/bundles)