Analysis of the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Seqeunces (OEIS). Final project in course 52311.
A more detailed progress report is available [here] (
Preprocessing, filtering - Jonathan Zouari, Ayellet Blass. [Filtering and Preprocessing Presentation] (Filtering and summary statistics/filtering+stats.pptx)
Old link is [here] (
Clustering - Alex Tuesh and Joshua Moss (Eyal Itskovits?)
Distance/Similarity measures - Eli Marchevsky and Racheli Shiran ([report] (
Feature generation&selection - Jonathan Fiat ([report] (
Dimensionality reduction and visualization - Lior Fox and Leshem Choshen (report)
Prediction - Ofer Springer and Yoav Wald ([progress report] (
Text analysis - Dimid Duchovny, Or Zuk