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Oscar Sanz Llopis edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 8 revisions

Hardware description

Current hardware setup, includes support for (total cost about 22€):

  • Wemos Lolin32 OLED Board and clones (ESP-WROOM-32).
  • MH-Z19B CO2 Sensor (0-5000ppm +/-50ppm range).
  • KY-012 Buzzer module (needs an additional 2N7000 N-MOSFET or similar to activate).

prototype picture

Sensor wiring

As the ESP module is able to run supplied from standard USB Smartphone charger, it is only need to wire 4 cables between ESP module and MH-Z19B Sensor:

prototype picture

ESP module MH-Z19B Sensor
5V Vin
PIN 25 Tx
PIN 26 Rx

Buzzer wiring

Buzzer is connected through a 2N7000 N-Channel MOSFET (or similar) in order to provide +5V voltage for activation.

ESP module KY-012 + N-MOSFET
5V S
PIN 16 Buzzer Control - GATE

Note that this is an optional feature that can be disabled removing -DBUZZER_MODULE=1 on build_flags section from platformio.ini file.

Where to get parts (I have not any relation nor benefit with these shops)

Wemos Lolin32 OLED Board (clone):

MH-Z19B CO2 NDIR Sensor:

KY-012 Buzzer module:

  • Aliexpress searching for KY-012