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Legacy Flight Computer

This a modified version of the original flight computer code from our 2022 competition.

  • made in Python
  • runs on a Raspberry Pi
  • uses CircuitPython (via Adafruit Blinka) to communicate with sensors
  • sends packets back to ground control using packet-parser

Raspberry Pi setup

  1. Install DietPi, or install the default OS and debloat it.
  2. Install Python 3.?+
  3. Install the Adafruit Blinka CircuitPython api/emulator library.
  4. Clone this repo onto the Pi.

Telemetry & packet format

AFAIK, here's how it works:

  1. read bytes via pyserial
  2. check for 4-byte starting delimiter (3735928559 = 0xDEADBEEF)
  3. determine packet type (next 2 bytes after delimiter)
  4. if the packet is for arming/disarming:
    1. if arming by CAN is enabled, send corresponding CAN message
    2. otherwise, set corresponding GPIO to high
    3. time.sleep(0.1)
    4. set corresponding GPIO to low
  5. fetch data from peripherals
  6. do some math
  7. send data to ground as one big packet

Inbound packet types:

type description in use
1 arm telemetrum yes
2 arm stratologger yes
3 arm camera yes
4 disarm telemetrum yes
5 dissarm stratologger yes
6 disarm camera yes
10 set ground level for launch yes
11 set ground level to 0 (a reset?) yes
12 start logging data to log file no
13 stop logging data to log file no
99 killswitch (sudo halt) no

Packets marked as not in use will not be used this year (2023).

Inbound CAN message types:

type data (bytes)
PWR_BRD_BAT_DATA main battery voltage (4), main battery current (4)
PWR_BRD_RAIL_DATA 3v rail voltage (2), 5v rail voltage (2), main battery voltage (2), ADC temperature (2)
ARMING_BAT_DATA current (2), voltage (2)

Outbound data (to ground) is all in 1 packet. Items marked as unused will not be used for this year (2023). The format is, in order:

  1. header: (unused)
    1. CRC_SYNC (4)
    2. CFC_ID (2)
  2. high g x/y/z:
    1. x (4)
    2. y (4)
    3. z (4)
  3. magnetometer: (unused)
    1. x (4)
    2. y (4)
    3. z (4)
  4. gyroscope:
    1. x (4)
    2. y (4)
    3. z (4)
  5. acceleration:
    1. x (4)
    2. y (4)
    3. z (4)
  6. cpu temp (4) (unused)
  7. real temp (4) (unused)
  8. barometer:
    1. altitude (4)
  9. gps:
    1. altitude (4)
    2. satellite count (1)
    3. latitude (4)
    4. longitude (4)
    5. ascent (4)
    6. ground speed (4)
  10. telemetrum:
    1. status (1)
    2. current (4)
    3. voltage (4)
  11. stratologger:
    1. status (1)
    2. current (4)
    3. voltage (4)
  12. camera:
    1. status (1)
    2. current (4)
    3. voltage (4)
  13. 3v rail voltage (4) (unused)
  14. 5v rail voltage (4) (unused)
  15. main battery voltage (4)
  16. main battery temp (4) Total packet size is 114 bytes.


Please self-assign tasks (put your name next to them) and check them off when done. Feel free to add/remove/modify tasks. This list is incomplete because none of us can predict everything that needs to be done. Neither do we know all the details of how to do each task - you will need to do research. If you have questions or need help, it's always better to ask then to be silent. If you don't know what to do, just pick something. If you don't have a lot of time, at least try to look at the code and understand some of it, or look through the documentation for some of the libraries, or read up on UART, etc. There's always something to do.

  • change packet types [before 2023-04-19]
    • determing packet types
      • inbound
      • outbound
      • functionalities
    • packet.h -- dersu
    • packet.c -- dersu
    • parser.h -- ram
    • parser.c -- toby
    • test_packet.h + test_packet.c -- ram
      • Update tests -- ram
      • Verify tests -- ram
    • test_parser.h + test_parser.c
      • Update tests -- toby
      • Verify tests
    • make sure it can compile
    • python wrapper
    • creating packets -- deklin
      • adapt code from ground control
    • read inbound packets -- dersu
      • load python wrapper for packet-parser
      • enqueue incoming bytes
      • write a simulator script to send inbound packets
  • modify ground control software to work with new packet types (ground_control legacy-packets branch)
    • update to store new data types -- toby
    • update with new packet types -- toby
    • update to create new packets (need for testing, could use the C library instead)
    • update grapher
      • determine which data series to graph / which graphs / what order
      • figure out why altitude graph is messed up (might be 2 data series mapping to the same graph?)
    • update to test new format
    • make sure it can run
    • update arm/disarm controls
      • for telemetrum/stratologger/camera
  • communication with sensers [before 2023-04-23]
    • how to use provided libraries
      • for i2c -- ayden
      • can -- peter
      • reading/writing
      • test scripts,
    • sensor initialization
      • any specific constants that need to be sent?
      • any weird register stuff?
      • any gotchas?
  • test the existing code + board [on 2023-04-19]
    • make sure dependencies still work
    • determine overall system configuration
      • where is the program?
      • where do the logs go?
      • how is it started?
      • is it automatically restarted?
      • what programs are installed
        • check package manager
      • what programs are disabled
      • find modified config files
        • in home directory?
        • in root directory?
  • raspberry pi setup [after the above]
    • determine what our config process should look like
      • what packages to install
        • can we update them?
      • what configs to modify and how
      • where to put the flight computer code
      • write this all down in detail so that it can be replicated with minimal effort
    • autostart
    • restart on crash?
    • where to save data
    • library/software configuration
    • turn off unused things, debloat, (DietPi?)
  • documentation [after the above]
    • high level concepts / features / what does this thing even do
    • high level control flow / block diagram / architecture
    • installation/setup/usage
    • how it fits in to our overall long-term goals
    • any gotchas or considerations
    • any historical context (ie. why does this exist in the first place, what were we dealing with at the time)
    • possible links to board schematics? they don't necessarily have to be public
    • packetlib
      • inbound packets (ground to rocket)
      • outbound packets (rocket to ground)
    • ground-control
    • legacy-flight-computer
      • detailed setup guide for raspberry pi
  • do a github release for each repo [once code has stabilized, likely early summer, after documentation]
    • merging everything to main should be fine, no need for a legacy branch
    • clean things up
      • triage unused files
        • some simulator scripts could be merged into packetlib itself
        • misc. test scripts (not unit tests) can be deleted if not used
      • remove unused imports
      • any final refactoring that isn't too invasive
      • code commenting (docstrings for every function, class, and file)
    • version numbers (using Semantic Versioning)
    • update dependency list
      • estimate version limits for each packages (ie. crc had api changes, and our code won't work with older versions)
      • freeze dependencies in pip
      • generate/update requirements.txt (for pip users) and environment.yml (for conda users)


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