MOS protocol extension (MEM) for using MOS ttols and structures as platform for the entire radio broadcasting worklfow (as opposed to using vendor specific protocols and bespoke interfaces).
Maintainer is Olaf Schott, ARD.ZDF medienakademie, Nuremberg, Germany
The spec is implemented by several system vendors in the German professional radio broadcasting market.
- has been used successfully by select public German broadcasters since as long as 2011
- is a collection of .XSD files to define MEM (MOS external metadata) structures for mosObj as well as MOS running order, story & item
- 1.1 schema version has been maintained offline, it is available from this
Schema URN = download URL =
Minor improvments have been made during projects in 2012-2015 in a kind-of 1.2-release candidate.
As of 2017-06, I am starting the transfer of 1.1-release and 1.2-devel branches to GitHub to facilitate a peer review for 1.2-release and to give the project a new home.
No files have been moved yet, but they are soon to come!
Stay connected!