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Outbreak resource litcovid and preprint matcher


This code pings the api to pull an updated list of ids, compares the ids with files containing previously run ids and identifies the newly updated ids. For the newly updated ids, it pings the api to pull the relevant metadata so that a similarity test can be run for the new ids.

Requirements This code was written in python 3.6 and uses the following libraries:

  • requests
  • pandas
  • nltk
  • pickle
  • json
  • string
  • datetime
  • pathlib

Note that as of June 2020, PubMed piloted a program to incorporate preprints. While the preprints with pmids do not appear to have been included in LitCovid, they exist within PubMed and can be used for pulling known matches. Code for performing this task uses the following libraries:

  • biopython

Additionally, you will need a few libraries from nltk which must be downloaded using the nltk downloader including:

  • stopwords
  • punkt

To get these, run this once: `import nltk`

Limitations This code does not account for publications hosted in Zenodo, Dataverse, Figshare, or any other general repository, as the relationship between publications hosted on those sites and litcovid publications cannot be automatically determined. This code is only for linking preprints in biorxiv and medrxiv to litcovid. Note that it currently does not accommodate preprint rxivs outside of biorxiv and medrxiv as the parsers for those preprints have yet to be written.

Assumptions In order to minimize manual review, the threshholds have been set pretty high so precision is expected to be high, but sensitivity is expected to be low. An initial run was already performed and all the relevant data was already saved. This data is included in the repo as detailed below

Code documentation Please refer to the jupyter notebook for more commented code

File structure Previous results are 'cached' (ie-saved and updated), so that recalculations are not required, and time isn't wasted re-running Files may be named by type of meta compared (either 'text' or 'auth' (author)), and source (either 'litcovid' or 'preprint')

file paths:

  • 'results/archives/' - stores precomputed files from previous runs and lists of identifiers in previous runs
  • 'temp/' - temporarily stores the type-specific successful matches in a run
  • 'to review/' - stores the results of the matching that require manual review
  • 'update dumps/' - stores the dataframe of updates to make based on sorted matches in this run

Pre-existing files

  • 'results/archives/all_source_ids.txt' - a pickled list of identifiers that has already been run (where source is either litcovid or preprints
  • 'results/archives/compare_type_source_set.txt' - a pickled pandas dataframe containing preprocessed text for comparison. The source is again either litcovid or preprints, while the compare_type is either auth (author), or text (title and abstract)
  • 'temp/compare_type_above_threshold.txt - a tab-delimited text file containing all matches based on the compare_type (either auth or text) where the similarity was found to be above the minimum threshhold. These files are merged to identify match candidates
  • 'results/to review/low_scores.txt' - a tab-delimited pandas dump for matches where the sum score was below the threshhold for acceptance
  • 'results/to review/manual_check.txt' - a tab-delimited pandas dump for matches where a litcovid item matched with more than one preprint or vice versa
  • 'results/archives/clean_results.txt' - a tab-delimited pandas dump for matches which do not need further screening. This file is processed for creating the update dump
  • 'results/update dumps/update_file.txt' - a tab-delimited pandas dump for matches which do not need further screening and have been formatted with the appropriate fields for importing into resource metadata
  • As of May 2021, an additional split export has been included for ease of merging into the database
  • Note that some files may be compressed to meet github upload requirements. Uncompress in same directory for script run

Similarity calculations

This script currently uses a basic bag of words comparison and calculated jaccard similarity index. Based on a test run, from when litcovid had only 30k entries and there were only slightly less than 7K preprints, text similarities >0.2 and author similarities >0.45 make a reasonable cutoff. The author and text metafields were compared individually as this would allow for the identification and use of a more tailored threshold.

Although there were initial plans to check other comparison methods (TF-IDF with cosine similarity), these plans were dropped cue to time constraints.

Inspection of results

1500 expected matches that met the above cut off thresholds from the initial run (results/update dumps/update_file_initial.tsv) were inspected to confirm the precision of the algorithm at the set threshold. Of the 1500 matches, 1158 could be confirmed by pulling the corrections data element from PubMed and mapping the corresponding "updated from" article (results/to review/has_updates.tsv). 290 of the matches could be confirmed by manually looking up the preprint on the preprint server site, and matching the "published in" data that is displayed on the site (but is not available via the API). 52 of the matches were confirmed by manually looking up the preprint on the preprint server site and comparing it with the matched peer-review version. In these cases, the papers were confirmed to a match if exact details matched (eg- 290 patients, out of 321 sites in China, etc) or if figures in the papers were similar. In total, 100% of the matches inspected were confirmed at the set cut off threshold. Matches that were close, but did not make the cutoff were set aside for future manual review and will not be automatically included.

The detailed inspection of results can be found in update_file_initial_check.xls