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ePA Konnektor Watchdog

This is a simple application to expose Prometheus metrics for a Telematik Infrastruktur Konnektor (TI).

Most notably:

  • Whether it is reachable and serving the service-discovery document (SDS).
  • Which SMC-B cards are plugged and whether they are verified or not.


~> curl localhost:8080/metrics

# HELP card_status the status of all plugged in cards
# TYPE card_status gauge
card_status{card_handle="13f6842e-351a-4ed9-b822-21cd1fc5e510",holder="Beurmed für Computerangst",konnektor=""} 1.0
card_status{card_handle="92a95a55-a0cc-403a-b6c8-453ed65ae613",holder="Examplicalea",konnektor=""} 1.0
# HELP konnektor_status
# TYPE konnektor_status gauge
konnektor_status{konnektor=""} 1.0




  • running TI Konnektor
  • credentials to connect to the TI Konnektor
docker run \
  -v './credentials.p12:/secrets/credentials.p12' \
  -e 'KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_CREDENTIALS_PATH=/secrets/credentials.p12' \
  -p 8080:8080 \


  • /health returning the health status of the watchdog, status 200 is healthy, 5xx is unhealthy
  • /metrics Prometheus metrics in text based format.


The application is configured by environment variables.

Available options and their defaults:

name description default
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_LOG_LEVEL* Log level for the entire application. INFO
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_ADDRESS* Address to bind the Prometheus server to.
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_PORT* Port to bind the Prometheus server to. 8080
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_KONNEKTOR_URI* URI of the Konnektor to watch, e.g.
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_PROXY_ADDRESS* Address of the forward proxy infront of the Konnektor, e.g.
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_PROXY_PORT* Port of the forward proxy infront of the Konnektor. 3128
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_CREDENTIALS_PATH* The PKCS#12 keystore containing the TLS client certificate to connect to the Konnektor. ./credentials.p12
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD* The password of the PKCS#12 keystore containing the TLS client certificate. 0000
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_WORKPLACE_ID* The workplace ID configured in the Konnektor. a
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_CLIENT_SYSTEM_ID* The client system ID configured in the Konnektor. c
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_MANDANT_ID* The mandant ID configured in the Konnektor. m
KONNEKTOR_WATCHDOG_USER_ID* The user ID configured in the Konnektor. admin

* required


  • option to run watchdog without forward proxy
  • better timeouts in case of proxy or connector completely down