Aim of this package is to keep only bundles that are critical to your application for the implementation of toast notifications.
with its bundle size less than 1kb and custom toast components it add only implementation of toast, but not the styles.
This is a custom fork of the original react-tiny-toast which removes all base styling from the toast-item container except the animations, reverses the stacking order of toasts, and allows using it without explicitly rendering ToastContainer.
Install this package by running on your project root directory.
yarn install @owaiswiz/react-tiny-toast
Once installed, render this component onto your root component.
import { ToastContainer } from '@owaiswiz/react-tiny-toast';
const App = () => {
return (
<ToastContainer />
once above step is done. you can call in the toast from anywhere in your application(Make sure ToastContainer
is in your component tree).
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { toast } from '@owaiswiz/react-tiny-toast';
const ChildComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {'You have successfully seen the toast notification.', { timeout: 3000 })
or a valid react component which renders onto the displayed toast component.object
which accepts different options for the toast notification.
variant: 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'default',
position: 'top-center' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-center',
delay: number, // time in milli seconds
timeout: number, // time in mulli seconds
uniqueCode: string | number // helps in avoiding duplicate toast message when triggered multiple times by user actions.