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A Python package for implementing barycentric interpolation using DuckDB, specifically designed to compute SCHISM-derived depths on 30m grids. This tool provides an efficient, scalable solution for geospatial computations in large coastal domains.

Table of Contents


  1. Efficient Barycentric Interpolation: Leverages DuckDB for handling large-scale geospatial data efficiently.
  2. Leverages Preprocessed Data: Preprocessed data from DEM, zonal coverage fraction, barycentric weight, and geosptial masks allows fast and effective interpolations.
  3. Efficient Storage: Data is converted and stored in DuckDB that significantly reduces storage volume.
  4. Customizable Pipelines: Modular structure allows easy adaptation to different datasets and use cases.


This software requires a working anaconda/miniconda installation, please visit miniconda page


  1. Clone the repository:

    cd your_custom_path
    git clone
    cd zonal-fim
  2. Then the package can be installed via executing

  3. In the case there are permission issues execute

    chmod u+x


To activate pre-configured environment execute

conda activate coastal_fim_vis


Preprocessed data for Atlantic Gulf domain is:


The script performs execution of pipeline for generating barycentric interpolation, generating masks, and preprocessing pipeline

  1. Run the Barycentric Computation: General pipeline for executing barycentric interpolation is given that a preprocessing has been done once, we can pass a new .gr3 or .nc file, the path to schisim_database.duckdb, and specify the output path.

    -i '/path/agGridfile.gr3' or -i '/path/'

    Ensure --execute True.

    There is an option --zarr_format to produce the outputs as zarr instead of a .tif file and one does not need to change .tif to .zarr in depth and wse inputs this conversion will be done automatically.

    if --generate_wse False there is no need to specify a path got -q

    python --generate_mask False --preprocess False --generate_wse True --generate_depth True --zarr_format False  --execute True  --dissolve False -i '/path/' -c '/path/zonal_database.duckdb' -m '/path/depth_raser_v1.tif' -q '/path/wse_raser_v1.tif'

    A sample output of depth raster:

    shell output

  2. Output:

    • Barycentric interpolation is saved as depth table in the DuckDB database.
    • Can write WSE interpolation and depth values as .tif and .zarr file if specified.

Preprocessing Workflow

  • visit preprocessing folder for preprocessing instructions


Test Cases

  1. Tampa Region:
    • Executed entire process: Pass
  2. Atlantic and Gulf Domain:
    • Executed all steps except coverage fraction interpolation: Pass
  3. Comparison with Linear Interpolation:
    • Validated results against linear interpolation: Pass

Current Progress

  1. Implemented:
    • Barycentric computations.
    • Batch processing for DEM and zonal data.
  2. Next Steps:
    • Function descriptions
    • Write comprehensive tests for the package.


Detailed documentation and implementation notes are available in the report: Report Link