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Parallelize database handling (breaking, fixes #49) (#119)
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- now uses `Future` just to parallelize all calls to postgres
- cleaner separation of input and processing
- now needs a `DataSource` instead of a `Connection`, which breaks API
- adds a dependency upon hikari
- keep it at hikari version 4 to avoid alpha slf4j
- add slf4j-nop to avoid spam
  • Loading branch information
oyvindberg authored Jul 13, 2024
1 parent 2b83b5c commit b6db739
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Showing 13 changed files with 240 additions and 139 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions bleep.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ projects:
- org.playframework.anorm::anorm:2.7.0
- org.postgresql:postgresql:42.7.3
- com.zaxxer:HikariCP:4.0.3
- org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:2.0.13
extends: template-cross
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion site-in/other-features/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ import typo.*
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.sql.Connection

def generate(implicit c: Connection): String = {
def generate(ds: TypoDataSource): String = {
val cwd: Path = Path.of(sys.props("user.dir"))

val generated = generateFromDb(
pkg = "org.mypkg",
jsonLibs = Nil,
Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions site-in/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ put it in `` and run `scala-cli`
import typo.*

// adapt to your instance and credentials
implicit val c: java.sql.Connection =
val ds = TypoDataSource.hikari(
server = "localhost",
port = 6432,
databaseName = "Adventureworks",
username = "postgres",
password = "password"

val options = Options(
// customize package name for generated code
Expand All @@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ val scriptsFolder = location.resolve("sql")
val selector = Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal

targetFolder = targetDir,
testTargetFolder = Some(testTargetDir),
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions typo-scripts/src/scala/scripts/CompileBenchmark.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import typo.internal.generate
import typo.internal.sqlfiles.readSqlFileDirectories

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

object CompileBenchmark extends BleepScript("CompileBenchmark") {
val buildDir = Path.of(sys.props("user.dir"))
Expand All @@ -25,10 +27,9 @@ object CompileBenchmark extends BleepScript("CompileBenchmark") {

override def run(started: Started, commands: Commands, args: List[String]): Unit = {
implicit val c: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
val metadb = MetaDb.fromDb(TypoLogger.Noop)
val ds = TypoDataSource.hikari(server = "localhost", port = 6432, databaseName = "Adventureworks", username = "postgres", password = "password")
val metadb = Await.result(MetaDb.fromDb(logger = TypoLogger.Noop, ds = ds, viewSelector = Selector.All), Duration.Inf)
val sqlFiles = Await.result(readSqlFileDirectories(TypoLogger.Noop, buildDir.resolve("adventureworks_sql"), ds), Duration.Inf)

val crossIds = List(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ object CompileBenchmark extends BleepScript("CompileBenchmark") {
Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal, // All
readSqlFileDirectories(TypoLogger.Noop, buildDir.resolve("adventureworks_sql")),
Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions typo-scripts/src/scala/scripts/GeneratedAdventureWorks.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import typo.internal.sqlfiles.readSqlFileDirectories
import typo.internal.{FileSync, generate}

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

object GeneratedAdventureWorks {
val buildDir = Path.of(sys.props("user.dir"))
Expand All @@ -22,11 +24,10 @@ object GeneratedAdventureWorks {
.use { logger =>
implicit val c: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
val ds = TypoDataSource.hikari(server = "localhost", port = 6432, databaseName = "Adventureworks", username = "postgres", password = "password")
val scriptsPath = buildDir.resolve("adventureworks_sql")
val metadb = MetaDb.fromDb(TypoLogger.Console)
val selector = Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal
val metadb = Await.result(MetaDb.fromDb(TypoLogger.Console, ds, selector), Duration.Inf)

val variants = List(
(DbLibName.Anorm, JsonLibName.PlayJson, "typo-tester-anorm", new AtomicReference(Map.empty[RelPath, sc.Code])),
Expand All @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ object GeneratedAdventureWorks {

def go(): Unit = {
val newSqlScripts = readSqlFileDirectories(TypoLogger.Console, scriptsPath)
val newSqlScripts = Await.result(readSqlFileDirectories(TypoLogger.Console, scriptsPath, ds), Duration.Inf)

variants.foreach { case (dbLib, jsonLib, projectPath, oldFilesRef) =>
val options = Options(
Expand All @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ object GeneratedAdventureWorks {
val targetSources = buildDir.resolve(s"$projectPath/generated-and-checked-in")

val newFiles: Generated =
generate(options, metadb, ProjectGraph(name = "", targetSources, None, Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal, newSqlScripts, Nil)).head
generate(options, metadb, ProjectGraph(name = "", targetSources, None, selector, newSqlScripts, Nil)).head

val knownUnchanged: Set[RelPath] = {
val oldFiles = oldFilesRef.get()
Expand Down
12 changes: 2 additions & 10 deletions typo-scripts/src/scala/scripts/GeneratedSources.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,20 +3,11 @@ package scripts
import typo.*

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}
import java.util
import scala.annotation.nowarn

object GeneratedSources {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val c: Connection = {
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6432/postgres"
val props = new util.Properties
props.setProperty("user", "postgres")
props.setProperty("password", "password")
props.setProperty("port", "6432")
DriverManager.getConnection(url, props)
val ds = TypoDataSource.hikari(server = "localhost", port = 6432, databaseName = "Adventureworks", username = "postgres", password = "password")

val header =
Expand All @@ -32,6 +23,7 @@ object GeneratedSources {
val typoSources = buildDir.resolve("typo/generated-and-checked-in")

val files = generateFromDb(
pkg = "typo.generated",
jsonLibs = List(JsonLibName.PlayJson),
Expand Down
180 changes: 107 additions & 73 deletions typo/src/scala/typo/MetaDb.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,27 +4,26 @@ import typo.generated.custom.comments.{CommentsSqlRepoImpl, CommentsSqlRow}
import typo.generated.custom.constraints.{ConstraintsSqlRepoImpl, ConstraintsSqlRow}
import{DomainsSqlRepoImpl, DomainsSqlRow}
import typo.generated.custom.enums.{EnumsSqlRepoImpl, EnumsSqlRow}
import typo.generated.custom.view_find_all.*
import typo.generated.custom.table_comments.*
import typo.generated.custom.view_find_all.*
import typo.generated.information_schema.columns.{ColumnsViewRepoImpl, ColumnsViewRow}
import typo.generated.information_schema.key_column_usage.{KeyColumnUsageViewRepoImpl, KeyColumnUsageViewRow}
import typo.generated.information_schema.referential_constraints.{ReferentialConstraintsViewRepoImpl, ReferentialConstraintsViewRow}
import typo.generated.information_schema.table_constraints.{TableConstraintsViewRepoImpl, TableConstraintsViewRow}
import typo.generated.information_schema.tables.{TablesViewRepoImpl, TablesViewRow}
import typo.internal.analysis.{DecomposedSql, JdbcMetadata, MaybeReturnsRows, NullabilityFromExplain, ParsedName}
import typo.internal.analysis.*
import typo.internal.metadb.{Enums, ForeignKeys, PrimaryKeys, UniqueKeys}
import typo.internal.{DebugJson, Lazy, TypeMapperDb}

import java.sql.Connection
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

case class MetaDb(
relations: Map[db.RelationName, Lazy[db.Relation]],
enums: List[db.StringEnum],
domains: List[db.Domain]
) {
val typeMapperDb = TypeMapperDb(enums, domains)


object MetaDb {
Expand All @@ -35,42 +34,84 @@ object MetaDb {
pgEnums: List[EnumsSqlRow],
tables: List[TablesViewRow],
columns: List[ColumnsViewRow],
views: List[ViewFindAllSqlRow],
views: Map[db.RelationName, AnalyzedView],
domains: List[DomainsSqlRow],
columnComments: List[CommentsSqlRow],
constraints: List[ConstraintsSqlRow],
tableComments: List[TableCommentsSqlRow]

case class AnalyzedView(
row: ViewFindAllSqlRow,
decomposedSql: DecomposedSql,
jdbcMetadata: JdbcMetadata,
nullabilityAnalysis: NullabilityFromExplain.NullableColumns

object Input {
def fromDb(logger: TypoLogger)(implicit c: Connection): Input = {
def timed[T](name: String)(f: => T): T = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = f
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()"fetched $name from PG in ${end - start}ms")
def fromDb(logger: TypoLogger, ds: TypoDataSource, viewSelector: Selector)(implicit ev: ExecutionContext): Future[Input] = {
val tableConstraints = logger.timed("fetching tableConstraints")( c => (new TableConstraintsViewRepoImpl).selectAll))
val keyColumnUsage = logger.timed("fetching keyColumnUsage")( c => (new KeyColumnUsageViewRepoImpl).selectAll))
val referentialConstraints = logger.timed("fetching referentialConstraints")( c => (new ReferentialConstraintsViewRepoImpl).selectAll))
val pgEnums = logger.timed("fetching pgEnums")( c => (new EnumsSqlRepoImpl)()))
val tables = logger.timed("fetching tables")( c => (new TablesViewRepoImpl).selectAll.filter(_.tableType.contains("BASE TABLE"))))
val columns = logger.timed("fetching columns")( c => (new ColumnsViewRepoImpl).selectAll))
val views = logger.timed("fetching and analyzing views")( c => (new ViewFindAllSqlRepoImpl)())).flatMap { viewRows =>
val analyzedRows: List[Future[(db.RelationName, AnalyzedView)]] = viewRows.flatMap { viewRow =>
val name = db.RelationName(viewRow.tableSchema, viewRow.tableName.get)
if (viewRow.viewDefinition.isDefined && viewSelector.include(name)) Some {
val sqlContent = viewRow.viewDefinition.get
val decomposedSql = DecomposedSql.parse(sqlContent)
val jdbcMetadata = c => JdbcMetadata.from(sqlContent))
val nullabilityAnalysis = c => NullabilityFromExplain.from(decomposedSql, Nil))
for {
jdbcMetadata <- {
case Left(str) => sys.error(str)
case Right(value) => value
nullabilityAnalysis <- nullabilityAnalysis
} yield name -> AnalyzedView(viewRow, decomposedSql, jdbcMetadata, nullabilityAnalysis)
else None

tableConstraints = timed("tableConstraints")((new TableConstraintsViewRepoImpl).selectAll),
keyColumnUsage = timed("keyColumnUsage")((new KeyColumnUsageViewRepoImpl).selectAll),
referentialConstraints = timed("referentialConstraints")((new ReferentialConstraintsViewRepoImpl).selectAll),
pgEnums = timed("pgEnums")((new EnumsSqlRepoImpl)()),
tables = timed("tables")((new TablesViewRepoImpl).selectAll.filter(_.tableType.contains("BASE TABLE"))),
columns = timed("columns")((new ColumnsViewRepoImpl).selectAll),
views = timed("views")((new ViewFindAllSqlRepoImpl)()),
domains = timed("domains")((new DomainsSqlRepoImpl)()),
columnComments = timed("columnComments")((new CommentsSqlRepoImpl)()),
constraints = timed("constraints")((new ConstraintsSqlRepoImpl)()),
tableComments = timed("tableComments")((new TableCommentsSqlRepoImpl)())
val domains = logger.timed("fetching domains")( c => (new DomainsSqlRepoImpl)()))
val columnComments = logger.timed("fetching columnComments")( c => (new CommentsSqlRepoImpl)()))
val constraints = logger.timed("fetching constraints")( c => (new ConstraintsSqlRepoImpl)()))
val tableComments = logger.timed("fetching tableComments")( c => (new TableCommentsSqlRepoImpl)()))
for {
tableConstraints <- tableConstraints
keyColumnUsage <- keyColumnUsage
referentialConstraints <- referentialConstraints
pgEnums <- pgEnums
tables <- tables
columns <- columns
views <- views
domains <- domains
columnComments <- columnComments
constraints <- constraints
tableComments <- tableComments
} yield Input(

def fromDb(logger: TypoLogger)(implicit c: Connection): MetaDb = {
val input = Input.fromDb(logger)
def fromDb(logger: TypoLogger, ds: TypoDataSource, viewSelector: Selector)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MetaDb] =
Input.fromDb(logger, ds, viewSelector).map(input => fromInput(logger, input))

def fromInput(logger: TypoLogger, input: Input): MetaDb = {
val foreignKeys = ForeignKeys(input.tableConstraints, input.keyColumnUsage, input.referentialConstraints)
val primaryKeys = PrimaryKeys(input.tableConstraints, input.keyColumnUsage)
val uniqueKeys = UniqueKeys(input.tableConstraints, input.keyColumnUsage)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,59 +155,52 @@ object MetaDb {
val tableCommentsByTable: Map[db.RelationName, String] =
input.tableComments.flatMap(c => => (db.RelationName(Some(c.schema),, d))).toMap
val views: Map[db.RelationName, Lazy[db.View]] =
input.views.flatMap { viewRow => { sqlContent =>
val relationName = db.RelationName(viewRow.tableSchema, viewRow.tableName.get)
val lazyAnalysis = Lazy {"Analyzing view ${relationName.value}")
val decomposedSql = DecomposedSql.parse(sqlContent)
val Right(jdbcMetadata) = JdbcMetadata.from(sqlContent): @unchecked
val nullabilityInfo = NullabilityFromExplain.from(decomposedSql, Nil).nullableIndices
val deps: Map[db.ColName, List[(db.RelationName, db.ColName)]] =
jdbcMetadata.columns match {
case MaybeReturnsRows.Query(columns) =>
columns.toList.flatMap(col => => -> List(t))).toMap
case MaybeReturnsRows.Update =>
} { case (relationName, AnalyzedView(viewRow, decomposedSql, jdbcMetadata, nullabilityAnalysis)) =>
val lazyAnalysis = Lazy {
val deps: Map[db.ColName, List[(db.RelationName, db.ColName)]] =
jdbcMetadata.columns match {
case MaybeReturnsRows.Query(columns) =>
columns.toList.flatMap(col => => -> List(t))).toMap
case MaybeReturnsRows.Update =>

val cols: NonEmptyList[(db.Col, ParsedName)] =
jdbcMetadata.columns match {
case MaybeReturnsRows.Query(metadataCols) => { case (mdCol, idx) =>
val nullability: Nullability =
mdCol.parsedColumnName.nullability.getOrElse {
if (nullabilityInfo.exists(_.values(idx))) Nullability.Nullable
else mdCol.isNullable.toNullability

val dbType = typeMapperDb.dbTypeFrom(mdCol.columnTypeName, Some(mdCol.precision)) { () =>
logger.warn(s"Couldn't translate type from view ${relationName.value} column ${} with type ${mdCol.columnTypeName}. Falling back to text")
val cols: NonEmptyList[(db.Col, ParsedName)] =
jdbcMetadata.columns match {
case MaybeReturnsRows.Query(metadataCols) => { case (mdCol, idx) =>
val nullability: Nullability =
mdCol.parsedColumnName.nullability.getOrElse {
if (nullabilityAnalysis.nullableIndices.exists(_.values(idx))) Nullability.Nullable
else mdCol.isNullable.toNullability

val coord = (relationName,
val dbCol = db.Col(
parsedName = mdCol.parsedColumnName,
tpe = dbType,
udtName = None,
columnDefault = None,
identity = None,
comment = comments.get(coord),
jsonDescription = DebugJson(mdCol),
nullability = nullability,
constraints = constraints.getOrElse(coord, Nil)
(dbCol, mdCol.parsedColumnName)
val dbType = typeMapperDb.dbTypeFrom(mdCol.columnTypeName, Some(mdCol.precision)) { () =>
logger.warn(s"Couldn't translate type from view ${relationName.value} column ${} with type ${mdCol.columnTypeName}. Falling back to text")

case MaybeReturnsRows.Update => ???
val coord = (relationName,
val dbCol = db.Col(
parsedName = mdCol.parsedColumnName,
tpe = dbType,
udtName = None,
columnDefault = None,
identity = None,
comment = comments.get(coord),
jsonDescription = DebugJson(mdCol),
nullability = nullability,
constraints = constraints.getOrElse(coord, Nil)
(dbCol, mdCol.parsedColumnName)

db.View(relationName, tableCommentsByTable.get(relationName), decomposedSql, cols, deps, isMaterialized = viewRow.relkind == "m")
(relationName, lazyAnalysis)
case MaybeReturnsRows.Update => ???

db.View(relationName, tableCommentsByTable.get(relationName), decomposedSql, cols, deps, isMaterialized = viewRow.relkind == "m")
(relationName, lazyAnalysis)

val tables: Map[db.RelationName, Lazy[db.Table]] =
input.tables.flatMap { relation =>
Expand Down

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