StoryBox is an engaging and entertaining device designed for children. Built on a Raspberry Pi foundation, StoryBox incorporates an RFID reader to play audio stories, songs, and playlists, offering a delightful listening experience without screens.
The StoryBox repository encompasses the entire source code for this inventive hardware project centered on a Raspberry Pi. Designed to captivate children's imagination, StoryBox utilizes an RFID reader to recognize story, song, album, and playlist cards, and it features integrated speakers to deliver the associated audio content.
Alongside the hardware components, this project incorporates various software applications, including a startup application to inform users when the hardware is ready, and a Go-based server that facilitates communication with the RFID reader.
The hardware installation shell scripts reside in a separate repository: StoryBoxShellScripts
Below are images of the development hardware assembled for this project:
To set up the project on your Raspberry Pi Zero, please follow these steps:
Update and Upgrade the System
Open a terminal and run:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
Install Essential Tools Ensure you have git, wget, and curl installed:
sudo apt install -y git wget curl
2. Clone your fork into the directory /home/pi/ by executing the following commands in your terminal:
Ensure that you replace [YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME] with the username of the fork you are cloning. If using the base repo just replace with "ozfive".
cd /home/pi
git clone[YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME]/StoryBox.git
3. Access the /home/pi/Storybox/ directory and ensure that is executable by running these commands in your terminal:
cd Storybox/scripts
chmod +x
4. After your Raspberry Pi Zero reboots, run this command to verify that the SPI interface is enabled:
lsmod | grep spi
If you see spi_bcm2835, you can proceed.
Go 1.23.3 or later
The project depends on a SQLite3 database named 'rfids.db' which is located in the 'StoryBox/db' folder.
- For any inquiries, please reach out to the repo owner @ozfive
This program is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.