I'm Paddy, a Senior Research Software Engineer at the Centre for Advanced Research Computing, UCL.
- glass-dev/glass - Generator for Large Scale Structure (1 day ago)
- paddyroddy/dotfiles - My dotfiles (1 day ago)
- UCL-MIRSG/.github - Default files for all repositories (2 days ago)
- UCL-MIRSG/azure-mail - A Python package for sending emails in Office 365 via an Azure app (1 week ago)
- paddyroddy/.github - Default files for all repositories (1 week ago)
- Update brews on paddyroddy/dotfiles (1 day ago)
- gh-585: remove redunant
import on glass-dev/glass (1 day ago) - Update
year to 2025 on paddyroddy/dotfiles (2 days ago) - gh-578: mutable argument should be empty list rather than
on glass-dev/glass (3 days ago) - gh-573: add keyword
to functions in notebooks on glass-dev/glass (6 days ago)
- tweag/FawltyDeps - Python dependency checker (2 days ago)
- FelixKratz/SketchyBar - A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement (1 week ago)
- FelixKratz/JankyBorders - A lightweight window border system for macOS (1 week ago)
- nikitabobko/AeroSpace - AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS (1 week ago)
- pages-themes/hacker - Hacker is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages (1 week ago)