A prompt in the style of MysticBBS server software, with graceful fallbacks, implementing mystic-termlib
From top-left to bottom right:
- Indicates whether shelled out of Midnight Commander
- System resource meters for battery, load, and memory+swap
- Simple clock with only the most transient details
- Colorful exit code indicator of previous command success
- New line for git branch and status when in repo
- Exit code of previous command if non-zero
- Standard user @ host; visually distinct when root shell
- $PWD shortened to nearby elements
- Input pip becomes visually distinct when root shell
OS | CPU | Mem | Bat |
Linux | Y | Y | Y |
FreeBSD | Y | Y | |
OpenBSD | Y | inexact |
mkdir ~/.local/lib
cd ~/.local/lib
git clone https://github.com/padthaitofuhot/mystic-prompt.git
printf "%s\n%s\n\n" "# Mystic Prompt" "source ~/.local/lib/mystic-prompt/mystic.bash" >>~/.bashrc
cd -
# MC─[▆▄▂ˡ]─[▂ᵐ▁ˢ]─────── ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# └─ [siv@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]∙ ls -la
# ┌─────[▅^ᵇ]─[▆▄▂ˡ]─[▂ᵐ]─── ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# └ 127 [root@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]# ls -la
# ┌──[▅.ᵇ]─[▆▄▂ˡ]─[▂ᵐ▁ˢ]─ ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# │ …-issue-1987 3:0 idx.notup:4 tree.rm:2 untracked:7
# └─ [siv@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]∙ ls -la
# ┌─────[▅?ᵇ]─[▆▄▂ˡ]─[▂ᵐ▁ˢ]─ ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# │ main 3:0 idx.notup:4 tree.rm:2 untracked:7
# └ 127 [siv@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]∙ ls -la
# ┌──[▆▄▂ˡ]─[▂ᵐ]───────── ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# └─ [siv@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]∙ ls -la
# ┌──[▆▄▂ˡ]────────────── ·[Sun·30·02:30]·
# └─ [siv@samadhi] · […/usr/local/sbin]∙ ls -la
# .-----[o^B]-[0OoL]-[oM.S]- -[Sun-30-02:30]-
# : 127 [root@samadhi] - [.../usr/local/sbin]# ls -la
# .--[0OoL]----------------- -[Sun-30-02:30]-
# : ...-issue-1987 3:0 idx.notup:4 tree.rm:2 untracked:7
# :. [root@samadhi] - [.../usr/local/sbin]# ls -la
Portions of MysticPrompt include software from other authors:
- Git dashboard functions from Bash Color Tools
- https://github.com/christopher-barry/bash-color-tools
- Copyright 2007-2012 Christopher Barry christopher.r.barry@gmail.com:
- GPLv3
- BashHackers Wiki https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/
- GreyCat's Wiki https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide