This widget added from your site share buttons from Yandex
*Живой Журнал;
*Мой Мир;
*Pinterest (требуется указать атрибут image);
*Sina Weibo;
*Tencent Weibo;
- Yii 2.0 or above
This library can be found on Packagist. The recommended way to install this is through composer.
Edit your composer.json
and add:
composer require pantera-digital/yii2-yandex-share "@dev"
Add this code in page for share:
use pantera\yandexShare\ShareButtons;
<?= ShareButtons::widget(
'services'=>'facebook,vkontakte,twitter', //attributes from official without preffix "data-"
'title:twitter'=>'Yandex', //a different title for the different networks
'id'=>'id1', // not added preffix data-
'class'=>'class1 class2', // not added preffix data-
'tag'=>'span', //default "div"
); ?>
Available services:
*blogger — *[Blogger](
*delicious — [Delicious](
*digg — [Digg](
*evernote — [Evernote](
*facebook — [Facebook](
*gplus — [Google+](
*linkedin — [LinkedIn](
*lj — [Живой Журнал](
*moimir — [Мой Мир](
*odnoklassniki — [Одноклассники.ru](
*pinterest — [Pinterest]( (требуется указать атрибут image)
*pocket — [Pocket](
*qzone — [Surfingbird](
*renren — [Renren](
*sinaWeibo — [Sina Weibo](
*surfingburd — [Surfingbird](
*tencentWeibo — [Tencent Weibo](
*tumblr — [Tumblr](
*twitter — [Twitter](
*viber — [Viber](
*vkontakte — [ВКонтакте](
*whatsapp — [WhatsApp](
The extension was released under the Apache-2.0, so you'll find the latest version on GitHub.