SCP Wallet is lightweight, privacy focused, open source ScPrime wallet for Android.
There are multiple ways to download SCP Wallet for Android:
- Download it from the Google Play Store
- Download the latest APK release from this repository
- Build the APK from the source code
The data stored by the app is encrypted with EncryptedSharedPreferences which takes advantage of the Android keystore system.
Sensitive information such as the wallets' seeds and the addresses' private keys are further encrypted with libsodium's crypto secret box (XSALSA20 and POLY1305).
The app communicates with scp-wallet-api to transfer the following information:
- Get the transactions for a given set of addresses
- Get generic information such as current block height, fees and fiat price of SCP
- Broadcast a signed transaction to the network
Information that allows to spend funds does never leave the device, thus limiting the attacks options for a malicious server.
The server is chosen from a list of trusted servers hardcoded in the app and it can be changed by the user. It is advised to run your own scp-wallet-api instance for maximum security.
If you find SCP Wallet useful and you want to contribute to the project, there are multiple things you can do:
You can donate to support future development:
- SCP -> 71b797c650193b125cd0042dd8ab0be9e4f549537bc061a17ce3dddca8983938b401c4b92b0c
- BTC -> 12EVpv75KnDKPuKuGgxedw3ad8VbR5mc8e
Feel free to make a pull request to add useful features or bug fixes.
If you're able to run a reliable server contact me to be added to the list of trusted servers.
No programming skills necessary. Follow this contribution guide to translate SCP Wallet in a language you know.